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Tag Archives: Christopher Lee

Film Review: The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (2003)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: “The War of the Ring reaches its climax as the dark lord Sauron sets his sights on Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor. The members of the fellowship in Rohan are warned of the impending attack when Pippin cannot resist looking into Saruman’s palantír and is briefly contacted by the dark lord. King Théoden is too …

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Film Review: The House That Dripped Blood (1971)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: A Scotland Yard investigator looks into four mysterious cases involving an unoccupied house REVIEW: Paul Henderson (Jon Pertwee) is a film star who disappears after renting an eerie old house. Inspector Holloway (John Bennett) is in charge of the mystery and inquiries at the town’s police station where, the local police sergeant (John Malcolm) begins to …

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Key Genre Films 1950s


Just as the thirties had been a golden age for Gothic horror films, so the fifties would do the same for science fiction. The power of the atom had undeniably hooked the public on the wonders of science. This, coupled with the development of rocket power and the first major UFO sightings, provided a wealth of exploitable material for the …

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Film Review: Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Dracula is resurrected, preying on four unsuspecting visitors to his castle. REVIEW: Minimalism has always been an intriguing angle for filming to me. It doesn’t always work, but is something of an ambitious leap in the attempting by the directing artist. It usually comes by way of two happenstances: either by creative design or financial necessity. …

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Film Review: The Hound Of The Baskervilles (1959)


Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: “When Sir Charles Baskerville dies unexpectedly, his nephew and heir Sir Henry returns from South Africa. Dr. Mortimer, the local doctor, is concerned about Sir Henry’s safety as he is convinced that Sir Charles was literally frightened to death. He consults Sherlock Holmes and recounts the tale of one Sir Hugo Baskerville who, several generations previously, had …

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Film Review: The Wicker Man (1973)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: “Police Sergeant Neil Howie arrives on a Scottish island looking for a missing teenager girl, Rowan Morrison. The place belongs to Lord Summerisle and is famous because of their plantation of apples and other fruits and their harvest. Sergeant Howie realises that the locals are pagans, practicing old rituals, and Rowan is probably alive and being …

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