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Horror Realm LIVE talking Marketing Macabre & Fear Village with Michael Joy

Horror Realm host Travis Bruce talks with Michael Joy about Marketing Macabre and the art of promoting indie horror films and the mysterious fire of Fear Village. Watch my interview get hijacked by my daughter Jemma.  Anything can and will happen when you are LIVE! Marketing Macabre is a wickedly devilish public relations / marketing / social media company subservient …

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Horror Realm Interview With The Owner Of MARKETING MACABRE

Travis Bruce of Horror Realms interviews the owner of MARKETING MACABRE, Michael Joy Michael Joy is an entrepreneur in the world of horror, working in marketing, production, and distribution. He is widely known for his PR company, Marketing Macabre, which gives an affordable option to independent filmmakers. On several occasions, Michael has explored the creative end of films being on …

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Interview with Actress Lily Sullivan & Director Matt Vesely (Monolith)

MONOLITH is a bold, unnerving and claustrophobic film with one actor and shot in one location. The film explores questions of truth, privilege, conspiracy, and the fact that each of us sees what we want to see – and believes what we want to believe. Truth is no longer the great monolith that underpins the world – power is. Truth is power, but only for …

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Exclusive Interview: Adam Treasure (Asylum: Dead Shadows)

What made you want to get involved in the film industry? I’ve always been absolutely passionate about storytelling and the magic of visual media—it has this incredible ability to stir emotions, spark thoughts, and just inspire. Being part of the film industry lets me dive right into that world, sharing stories and connecting with people on a really deep level. …

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Horror Realm Interview With Mark Allen, Just Before Dawn

Travis Bruce interview with author Mark Allen as we discuss new vampire novel Just Before Dawn which is the follow up to his cult classic Nocturnal. The Vampire Eddie Marx has returned to his quiet existence, removed from “the affairs of man”. His great, great grandson, Reggie, along with Reggie’s friend Nick Castle, have continued their careers with the San …

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