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Tag Archives: 1980

Film Review: Contamination (1980)

SYNOPSIS: A former astronaut helps a government agent and a police detective track the source of mysterious alien pod spores, filled with lethal flesh-dissolving acid, to a South American coffee plantation controlled by alien pod clones. REVIEW: This is a type of movie we’ve all seen before and considering the remakes that Hollywood has recently been selecting to redo, coupled …

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Film Review: Eaten Alive (1980)

SYNOPSIS: Sheila follows her sister’s last steps before her disappearance. These take her to a New Guinean jungle, where a white man, reverend Jonas, has erected himself as chief of a Purification sect seeking to bring collective suicide to both a cannibal tribe and his American followers. As Sheila goes deeper into the jungle, she will discover that her fate …

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Film Review: The Awakening (1980)

SYNOPSIS:  Matthew Corbeck is an archeologist who spent most of his young career searching for the tomb of a “nameless” Egyptian queen. Lucky for him on the day of his daughter Margaret birth he finds the tomb and finds that the one who was nameless was actually Queen Kara. As we flash forward into Matthews career we find him teaching …

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