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Interview: Trish Dempsey (Grim Fairy Tale, Bully, Dark Woods)

You play Old Lady Blume in the upcoming movie “ Grim Fairy Tale “. I’m reading that this movie has such famous fairy tale characters as Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood, and Big Bad Wolf but it also has Lloyde Kaufman as a Pimp. I think that speaks volumes but I’d like to hear in your own words, what’s this movie …

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Dragoncon 2009

Dragon Con. Those words ring out through the world of geek fandom like an innocent but determined war cry. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, imagine that one house in the neighborhood that really goes all out for Halloween. Now imagine the house next to it is doing the same thing except it is celebrating Gene Roddenberry’s birthday. …

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Horror Gossip: 07.20.09 w Interview Kevin Tenney

This shall be one of my favorite columns so far. Mainly, because I have an interview with the director of my favorite horror film of all time, Kevin Tenney. Words cannot explain how happy I am about this. I even went on to tell him I am his biggest fan and well he now refers to me as his biggest …

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Horror Gossip: 07.09.09

My Updates: It has been a while since my last update. I went without the internet for what seems like forever but I am back in action now and will have a new column every week. (Pressure) I sent in a review for Lake Dead and will have many more on the way soon. I am still reporting the news …

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Horror Talk 22

Heya Lovies! Is it just me or was there a lot going on for the past two weeks? Well, we will get to that all in a little bit. We had a great turn out for the last contest we did and are looking for an even bigger turn out this time! Keep reading and you will find your chance …

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Comic Con 2009

Oh hey there Wizards, Goblins, and Damsels Even though I am a lifelong lover of all things con-worthy, I am very new to the whole “fest” and “con” thing. Till now I’ve elected to geek out in the privacy of my own home. Hard to say why really given I live for this stuff. Part of it is that for some bizarre reason …

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Horror Gossip: 06.18.2009

Updates: So I am a little late getting this column in. I’ve had a fever and I was waiting on an interview with Emily Haack who is the star of Scrap Book. We pushed the interview back so you can see it on the next column. This column may not be as awesome as my past columns but I do …

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Interview: John R. Renna

An interview with John R Renna, makeup man, writer, actor, director and horror movie fan. He is currently in preproduction for Slime City Massacre. How did you get interested in doing effects makeup? My mother made the greatest costumes when I was a kid and as i got older my tastes changed and I had my mother get the boxed …

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Horror Gossip: 06.01.2009

Interview with Next Monkey: I’ve been talking to Darla Enlow over at “Next Money” a lot lately. Next Monkey Horror Films is owned by 2 female horror fans. These crazy ladies have completed 3 feature length movies that are in world wide distribution. They will go anywhere and do anything to promote the horror movies they create. It’s not enough …

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Interview: Lauri Seli (Dread, Sabbath)

Laura Seli is a very busy woman who is involved in almost every aspect of her productions. Her production company has produced two horror movies, “Sabbath” and “Dread”. Her productions are low budget but full of spirit (no pun intended). She took some time out to answer some of my questions. Tell me what got you interested in horror movies? …

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Interview: Bianca Barnett (Albino Farm, In a Spiral State)

MJ: It’s been 6 months since HorrorNews talked with you last and it looks like things have been happening fast since then. The “Albino Farm” DVD has been released by MTI Home Video and the website was recently launched www.albinofarmthemovie.com and then another movie, “In a Spiral State”, has been picked up by Halo 8. It sounds like things are …

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Horror Gossip: 05.17.2009

Hello guys and gals. I have so much to gossip about, I don’t even know where to start. I love it when that happens. Before I get started I would like to say how happy I am that more people than I thought are actually reading this. I have been getting comments on the actual page but I get most …

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From the Nightshift: Greg Lamberson on ‘Slime City Massacre’

The Insomniac was able to hunt down and tie down Greg Lamberson for a few minutes to have a little chat. Greg Lamberson is the director/writer of the cult horror movies “Slime City”, Undying Love (New York Vampire), Naked Fear and the writer of such horrorifying tales of fiction “Johnny Gruesome”, “Personal Demons” and nonfiction “Cheap Scares”. What drew you …

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Horror Gossip: 05.06.2009

Overview: Of corpse the bulk of this new-fangled column is going to be the foundation of Texas Frightmare Weekend that I attended last weekend. The outcome was pleasurable, edifying, and enthralling. The main topics are going to be; Alice Cooper’s Horror Lifetime Achievement Award, ScreamTV, Wicked Pixel Cinema, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Thomas Mason, and Jason Mewes. Events for Texas Frightmare …

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