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Home | Kick Ass Artwork For A Kick Ass Event

Kick Ass Artwork For A Kick Ass Event

You should recall that last week I told you about TRICK ‘R TREAT getting its first theatrical viewing out in LA and how we’ll all be able to join in on the fun via a live stream. You remember, right? As you would guess an event like that has to be promoted and ultimately commemorated via some kick ass new artwork and this morning I have your first look at just that. Check this out:


If you’ll excuse me I have to go clear a place on my wall for that bad boy. I wish!

While not impossible getting your hands on one of those bad boys won’t be the easiest thing in the world to accomplish. All attendees of the live event on Monday night will get one. A group called Odd City Entertainment had the work done and they will be making available a very limited number (100 numbered and 85 Glow in the Dark variants) at their store the day after the event.

And a reminder. Fans can partake in the live event via Legendary’s Facebook page on Monday night at 7:30 PM, that would be 10:30 PM here on the east coast. A nice way to start Halloween week!

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