If you’re a Stephen King fan than one of the most anticipated books in recent memory is gearing up for release. Actually, it still quite a bit off. DOCTOR SLEEP won’t be released till September and it is the wildly anticipated follow up to one of King’s classic hits THE SHINING. Ever wondered what what ever happened to Danny Torrence? Soon we shall all know.
This week Entertainment Weekly sat down with the author and what ensued is a very in depth look at DOCTOR SLEEP among other things.
I’m not going to post the whole interview here, just a few snipits, I will provide a link at the end and you really should click over and read the whole interview, it is awesome.
The Shining is probably high on the list of favorites among your readers. Did you find that intimidating when deciding to write a sequel?
When I really got serous about it, I thought to myself ‘Do you really want to do this? Because most sequels really suck.’ The only two exceptions I can think to that is Huckleberry Finn, a book that is a sequel to Tom Sawyer but is really a much better book, and I think Godfather II is a much better movie than The Godfather.
How did you get over that?
I’m not going to kid you — I felt a little bit like Rocky Balboa going up against Apollo Creed! [Laughs] It’s got that kind of reputation. A lot of people who got scared to death by The Shining, they’ll come up to me and say, ‘I read that book when I was at camp when I was 12,’ or ‘I read that when I was in high school at 15, and it really scared the living crap right out of me.’ And [while writing Doctor Sleep] I’m thinking, ‘Those people are now in their 40s and they’ve been exposed to Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees and other stuff. It crossed my mind that they might read the new one and say, ‘Well, this isn’t so scary. I thought he was a scary guy!’ And it’s not so much that I’ve changed, but that they’ve grown up and matured. And they aren’t such easy targets!
I can’t wait to see what King has in store for us with this one. Could be a classic.
Head on over to Entertainment Weekly now and read the whole interview!