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Tag Archives: Jesse Moss

Film Review: Vikingdom: The Blood Eclipse (2013)


Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: Forgotten King Elrick battles back from hell and beyond to retrieve the mystical artifact, Odin’s Horn, before the Mighty Thor and his army can unleash its powers to conquer the world. REVIEW: What happens when Thor (Conan Stevens) gets pissed off over the idea that Scandinavia has become awash with the notion of Christianity, forgetting about the …

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Film Review: Ginger Snaps (2000)


SYNOPSIS: One of the Fitzgerald sisters, suburban goth girl outcasts, gets bitten by something in the woods (and it ain’t a neighborhood dog). REVIEW: What do lycanthropy & menstruation have in common? An odd question for sure but as presented in the film “Ginger Snaps”, the answer is pretty damn scary. It’s been a dog’s age (Pun unintended) since I’ve …

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Film Review: Still/Born (2017)


SYNOPSIS: When Mary loses one of her twins in childbirth, she spirals into madness thinking her other child is in danger from an evil supernatural entity. REVIEW: Tell someone you’ve been watching a horror film called Still/Born and it will likely conjure up some tawdry images of a dead baby ratcheting up a body count in the same vein as …

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Film Review: 13 Eerie (2013)


SYNOPSIS: Six ambitious forensic undergrads are pitted against one another on a scientific expedition to a remote island, vying to win an esteemed trainee position with the FBI. Unbeknownst to everyone, the site was formally used as an illegal biological testing grounds for life-term criminals who were left for dead. But are they really dead or just waiting for some …

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Film Review: Metal Shifters (2011)


SYNOPSIS: Alien bacteria arrives on a meteorite and infects metal, animating a giant iron statue that goes on a killing rampage in a small town. REVIEW: “Metal Shifters“, somewhat of a decent film suffers from a bit of name identity crisis. Originally named “Iron Invader”, it was officially released out of Anchor Bay with the even odder title of “Metal …

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