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Book Review: Nest of ‘Em | Author Spun Counterguy

Nest of ‘Em

By Spun Counterguy

471 Pages

A collection of twisted and macabre tales to satiate the appetite of readers from every social class.

1-It Feels Us Watching: A dark and sinister entity lurks with beneath a town crawlspace. Its ghastly intent of a magnitude the locals could never fathom.

2-The Caowl Contraption: A single puritan mother joins unlikely forces with an antiques dealer to find the origin of the film found within a cat/owl figurine.

3-Unrecoverable Darkness: A young 18-year-old struggles to unearth why his elderly neighbor left him his house and entire estate to him in his will.

4-Southern Gospel Quartet Witch Fighters: A gospel musical group discovers their albums contain subliminal message with unholy consequences.

5-Jars Left by Pillars: When anarchy collides with democracy between China and the US the very fate of society may have apocalyptic consequences.

6-Tomboy Strong: When a co-worker learns her colleague is being tormented by an ex, she devises a plan to even the score.

7-Tulip Tree Leaf Print: Wei Qiao, a journalist for a Chinese newspaper becomes obsessed with solving a missing person case.

8-Trentwick’s Possessed: The unlikely duo of a counsellor and client join forces to bring down the demon within one of local society’s most prominent members.

Without question, Spun Counterguy remains the most unusual author name I’ve encountered in decades of fictional reading. Albeit far from the norm of any other Christian or Anglo Saxon or any ethnicity in origins, it is clear the chosen name has purpose. The pseudonym is every bit as unusual and unique as the work the lies ahead. At very least the alias is also a memorable conversation piece from reading circles all around.

The author has superior character development. Spun creates protagonists we can get behind and antagonists that are spawned f rom the deepest recesses of imagination. While there is a natural gravitation to lean towards Asian characters. It is refreshing to see authors delve into varying backgrounds.

Dialogue between characters is realistic and flows naturally. We feel or sense not the contrived or strained communication many authors are guilty of from time to time. Counterguy manages to accentuate subtlety, telling a tale within a tale, a nuance ordinarily reserved strictly for the most seasoned of authors. While the characters converse among themselves we get a sense of true plausibility and realistic factors in an unbelievable realm.

Each tale holds a multi layered plot with twists few will see coming. Its difficult to choose one particular favorite that stands out more than the previous. With equal elements of suspense, horror, and drama I’d be most interested to learn of the authors that have influenced Spun. Expert rising tension unleashes unto the reading audience just when we are each at our most vulnerable.

A broad contrast of genre themes keeps the flow of the book fresh and captivating. Readers can look forward to everything from witches, the supernatural, demonic possession and everything in between. A vast spectrum keeps the reading audience intrigued and beginning for more.

More than a couple tales utilizes vibrant imagery. One can picture the story unfolding within his or her head. Such tales would adapt brilliantly to screen. An anthology series such as The Outer Limits or Cabinet of Curiosities would make an ideal locale.

Another medium to accentuate the longevity of Nest of Em is the audiobook market. Just the right narrator would enrich and enhance this work unto a whole new audience.

Spun Counterguy’s work grows on you. Indicative his work will resonate among a vast demographic. As the final pages being to unfold, you anticipate a void beginning to grow, much like departing from the perfect evening with your best friend.

I anticipate future endeavors from the promising author. Further work can be explored through: Ten Tracks Mixed Tape Tasks. Patches of a Second-Hand Planet Vol. 1

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