Get your HORROR novel published and earn a $2,000 advance against future royalties.
JournalStone is holding its 2nd annual HORROR publishing contest. Our first one turned out so well we decided to do it again, and again, and again. If you are not familiar with last year’s winner please check out That Which Should Not Be by Brett J. Talley. That could be you next year.
If you are interested please submit your 75,000 words or more manuscript/novel to on or before April 1, 2012, and you will be entered. The winner will receive a $2,000 advance against future royalties and have his/her novel published by JournalStone. Grammar counts, have it edited before you submit your entry.
The #1 winner is also eligible for active membership to the HWA (Horror Writers Association). Have you always wanted to join, but haven’t met the criteria? You can now become an active member with all of its benefits and prestige!
Scared about not winning? Second prize gets a $500 advance and a published novel. Yes, you have to sign a contract first. Third place gets a $200 advance and for the last time, also gets a published novel. Not one of the top three? No worries, you might still be good enough to get your novel published, you will just have to earn your money on the royalties. We only have so much to give out for free.
Worried about costs? JournalStone is a small press publishing company, not a vanity press. We pay all the costs associate with publishing your novel. All an author is required to do is submit a freakishly scary book and rock our world. There are no entry fees.
Genre: Horror only. Nothing else counts in this contest. If you have any questions on content, please send an e-mail to or
Word Count: 75,000 words or more. No exceptions.
Submission Deadline: All submissions must be received no later than 11 p.m. Pacific time April 1, 2012. JournalStone highly recommends you submit your work early.
Editing: Please have your work edited prior to submission. Can’t afford editing? If your work is absolutely awesome, we still might read it. It might even win, but you will be one step behind the others from the start. So you are better off just getting it edited beforehand.
To submit your work, please send in a Microsoft Word document in Times New Roman 11-point font, single line spacing to In the subject line you must put ‘JournalStone’s $2,000 Advance in 2012’. You must include your name, address and e-mall address with the submission. Take credit for your work, please don’t force us to investigate who you are or what entry goes with some crytpic e-mail address.
The tentative publication date resides in the year 2012 for winning novels.
If you have been curious to find out what JournalStone Publications is all about, but didn’t know how to go about it, now is your opportunity.
Minimum of 20 entries required to validate contest. If last year’s contest is used as a barometer this is not even close to an issue.
Judges will be added as we finalize:
1. Christopher C. Payne – President of JournalStone. My vote should count more than the others, but it probably won’t.
2. Joel Blaine Kirkpatrick – is an author/blogger from Southwest Colorado. He has self-published four novels, and is in awe of the Indie talents he began to discover last year. Joel also claims to be influenced by classical authors from Edward Lear to Bulwer Lytton.
3. Colleen Wanglund – is a self-described gorehound, bookwhore and metalhead. She lives in NYC with her two grown children, her boyfriend and her dog Manning. Colleen’s writing can be found in The Horror Fiction Review, Monster Librarian, Cinema Knife Fight, Mondo Film and Video Guide and More Horror.
4. Brett J. Talley – Winner of JournalStone’s $2,000 in 2011 contest and author of “That Which Should Not Be”. A native of the South, Brett Talley received a philosophy and history degree from the University of Alabama before moving to witch-haunted Massachusetts to attend Harvard Law School.