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Film Review: Rot (short film) (2016)

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Every forgotten possession has a rotten history, even a place a family once called home.


Another short film, kiddies! Today we have ROT, an IndiGoGo funded short written and directed by Tristin Torres.

We see a young girl (Marguax Whitehead) approach a boarded up house. Once on the porch, she seems to be remembering something that happened there back in 1988. A young family is moving in, and celebrating their new home. Nathan (Sam Cenrella), Megan (Kaitlin Noble) and little Delilah (Sara Chesnick) are settling in when things get strange.

I can’t give you much more than that without spoilers. And to be honest, I watched it a second time to wrap my head around the story. I was confused at first as to what was happeneing but the second viewing clarified things for me.

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According to the credits, there is a special thanks to an organization called The Ghetto Film School. I looked them up and it turns out they are an organization that supports indie filmmakers through various means. There is no IMDB listing for this film that I could find, so I am assuming this is a student project by first-time filmmakers.

Overall, this film is quite good. Good production quality, sound mix is even, and the score sets the mood nicely. The cast are good as well.

So using my special short scale of one to five, five being awesome, I’m giving this film 3 polaroids.

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