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Film Review: Snuff 102 (2007)

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Snuff 102 is an Argentinean underground hardcore gore film directed by filmmaker Mariano Peralta. The film was premiered at the Mar del Plata International Film Festival in 2007, creating a commotion among the audience. Some of them claimed scenes in the film were real.

A young reporter begins to unravel the secrets of an underground myth… snuff films. Soon she falls in a gruesome spiral of shocking images, not suited for the faint hearted. Investigation on snuff films and onto the true meaning of violence.


A quick check on the Internet will reveal that this entry into the disturbing films category was surrounded in plenty of controversy. And never was the term “not for everybody” more pertinent here. Yes, this is pure “exploitation” with some pretty brutal stuff for the mind and eyes that at its center actually does somewhat have a story to offer at its heart. Before getting into that we should warn that most of what its this film is hardcore violence to its extreme with several scenes that emulate “snuff” filmmaking to the point of believability. “Snuff 102”, the tem that is, refers to the written number used on the snuff movie tapes by the screen character who archives each film session. The subject of this session are 3 girls picked to be tortured and filmed.

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What can you expect…well for starters, the film plays out in back and forth narration between a young reporter interviewing a writer who reviews hardcore violent films. This man is believed to only admire the content from a writer standpoint and create compelling reviews that signify a personal connection to the content himself. Proper, well spoken and filled with philosophical responses, the man explains his fascination with the content and its meaning to life. The reporter holds the public interest in an effort to really get to the heart of the why others are drawn to these images, video content and web site for their entertainment.

Another back story plays out that shows 2 other girls, a prostitute and a p*rn actor who are also eventually led a referral that unknowingly has led them to a snuff filming session. In need of money, anxious for work these girls are referred to an actual snuff film maker who performs these vicious acts on camera for his viewing audience. The nosey reporter makes a a mistake of digging thru the subjects personal belonging while he’s distracted on a phone call uncovering some pretty gruesome pictures that involve the subject himself in.

All 3 occasions lead to the meat of the films which sees the 3 girls held against their will bonded, strapped and tied to chairs in a dark distressed room. A masked man shows up that proceeds to torture and kill each one extremely violently on camera one at a time also heightening the experience for those left to watch. A camera films the whole event and the movie is kept somewhat surreal with darker contrast, enhanced green and red lighting and frequent change of camera angles and cuts. The cuts though provide the necessary sign to viewers that what we are seeing isn’t real at least from a viewer perspective.


Though the material is extremely sensitive, against taboos and hardcore. The first lady, a pregnant woman is repeatively slapped and punched in the faced until the point of bruising and swollen face tissue. Thrown onto the ground, the masked man places a plastic bag over head, stomps on her face and suffocates her in unison. The pregnant aspect is what adds to this vicious attack which is apparent thru the whole scene. Each finger is cut off per wire cutters on camera. The man continues to stomp on the lady, her stomach and further abuse that is obviously directed at her unborn child for kicks.

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The whole ordeal is unsettling for any viewer and is only getting started as far as the attacker s concerned. While this is all going on the 2 remaining women must watch and anticipate their sessions that is documented per a numbered tapes. The 2nd victim goes thru equally twisted acts which includes her teeth being chiseled out with a hammer and then being forced into oral sex and urinated on. As you can read, this is far beyond what any viewer should have to endure.

Believe it or not there is a moral and a message that extends into the finale of the film that says something about the human condition and our ability to reach within for extreme violence. This takes what would be considered a torture film into the plot that increases tension as the 3rd lady (reporter) tries to escape with her life and do battle with the masked man.

The final scene is filmed from a ground perspective in a moment that I don’t think audience saw coming but will root for in a anti hero way in some respect. The only real comfort here at the end of the movie is knowing that what you just witnessed wasn’t real. Though the material is based on a urban legend that for all purposes could be real in other circles from those who seek financial reward at the expense of lives.


The movie was directed by Mariano Peralta, Angentina release that was available per its movie homepage. This page has since been taken down due to public revolt. The movie which appeared in film festivals caused a violent response, walkouts and a whirlwind of commotion in disgusted audiences. Even the trailer was asked to be removed.

DVD Specifications
-Two Disc
-Spanish Language with removable English Subtitles
-Audio Commentary with director Mariano Peralta
-Extensive Cast Interviews
-Interview with director Mariano Peralta
-”Bits and Pieces” – Making of Featurette
-Deleted Scenes
-Stills Gallery
-Trailers for upcoming Massacre Video releases

Snuff 102 is now available on DVD per Massacre Video

One comment

  1. ?s=65&r=g

    This movie is the perfect example of some filmmakers just trying too damn hard…


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