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Ben French


Film Review: Antidote (Viscera) (2013)


Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: In a post-apocalyptic plague-ridden world, a man and woman face unimaginable horrors when he suddenly becomes infected, and the only possible cure slowly drives him mad. REVIEW: Viscera, also known as Antidote, is a 2013 film written and directed by Craig and Pete DiFolco in which two lovers attempt to survive the awkwardly brought about zombie apocalypse …

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Film Review: After School Massacre (2014)


SYNOPSIS: After being fired, a high school educator goes on a killing spree, stalking his former female students at their slumber party. REVIEW: After School Massacre is an exceptionally terrible shot-on-video film in which a disgruntled high school teacher’s aide goes on a killing spree after the Dean fires him for being tricked into accepting a student’s friend request on …

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Film Review: Mimic 2 (2001)


SYNOPSIS: When a c**kroach-spread plague threatened to decimate the child population of New York City in the original Mimic, biologist Susan Tyler and her research associates developed a crossbreed species of insect, the “Judas Breed” and introduced them into the environment, where they were to spread a toxin, lethal to the c**kroaches. The plan worked until the bugs evolved to …

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Film Review: American Blackout (2013)


SYNOPSIS: What if the Doomsday Preppers were right all along? Hacking into urban infrastructures isn’t science fiction anymore – it’s in the news every day. A 90-minute docu-drama, “American Blackout” reveals in gritty detail the impact of what happens when a cyber attack on the United States takes down the power grid. The question is: when the lights go out, …

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Film Review: Theatre of Fear (2014)


SYNOPSIS: The Moreau Family travel around the UK putting on an underground variety show for an adult audience. But behind the curtain there is something more sinister going on than simple entertainment. REVIEW: Theatre of Fear is a character study dressed as a horror film following the lives of a family that performs an indoors circus act while killing random …

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Film Review: Sanguivorous (2011)


SYNOPSIS: A young woman suffering from mysterious physical ailments is horrified to discover that she’s descended from generations of vampires. When she’s with her boyfriend, she struggles to control her peculiar appetite. But it’s in her blood. SANGUIVORIOUS is written and directed by Japanese filmmaker Naoki Yoshimoto and features the renowned avant-garde butoh dancer Ko Murobushi REVIEW: Sanguivorous, also known …

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Film Review: The Spider Labryinth (1988)


SYNOPSIS: 1988-Color-English Dubbed-Widescreen-Warning-not intended for viewers under 18 years-contains scenes of violence and sexual situations. Handsome Professor Alan Whitmore is assigned by his university to go to Budapest to seek out Professor Roth who has been investigating an ancient religion. Once there, he is met by Professor Roths’ beautiful assistant, Genevieve Weiss. But Professor Whitmore soon finds himself at the …

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Film Review: The Hunted (2013)


SYNOPSIS: Chasing their dream of landing their own hunting show, two hunters head into the dense, secluded mountains of West Virginia only to realize they are not alone. REVIEW: The Hunted is a 2013 film written, directed and starring Josh Stewart in which a hunter and his friend travel into the woods to film a hunting show that is as …

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