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80’s Horror Movies – List


Got to love them 80’s! A tribute to a decade that introduced some of the most original and cheesy horror films in history. Thought you’ve seen them all? Think again with this updated list. HorrorNews.net has scoured the planet in the efforts of compiling a complete list of films and movies that released in the 1980’s. Looking for that lost gem? Remember the year but not the title? Make sure to check back often as our team of reviewers review every film that released in 1980 – 1989. We’ve certainly found the occasional “must see” more than often. Join us as we flag the ones you may have missed!

also see:
70’s Horror Movies – List
90’s Horror Movies – List

Alphabetical Order:

10 Violent Women  (1982)
13th Floor, The (1988)
555 (1988)
976-EVIL (1989)
A Blade in the Dark (1983)
A Day of Judgement aka Stormbringer (1981)
AMOK Train aka Beyond the Door 3 (1989)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge
A Night to Dismember (1983)
A Polish Vampire in Burbank (1985)
A Stranger Is Watching (1982)
Abomination, The
Absurd aka Horrible (1981)
After Death aka Zombi 3 (1988)
After Midnight
Aftermath, The
Alchemist, The
Alien Dead
Alien Predators aka Mutant 2 aka The Falling (1987)
Alien Space Avenger (1989)
Alison’s Birthday (1981)
Alone in the Dark
American Gothic
American Nightmare
American Scream, The (1988
Amityville 4: The Evil Escapes
Amityville II: The Possession
Amsterdamned (1988)
An American Werewolf in London (1981)
Angel Heart
Anguish (1987)
Anthropopagus The Beast (1980)
Anthropophagus aka The Grim Reaper (1980)
Appointment, The (1981)
Apprentice to Murder (1988)
April Fools Day
Attack from Mars aka Midnight Movie Massacre (1988)
Attack of the Beast Creatures
Attack of the Super Monsters
Attic, The
Awakening, The
Backwoods (1987 )
Bad Dreams
Bad Seed, The (1985)
Bad Taste (1987)
Bates Motel (1987)
Bay Cove aka Eye of the Demon (1987)
Beast Within, The-
Beast and the Magic Sword, The
Being, The (1983)
Believers, The
Beware: Children at Play (1989)
Beyond, The
Beyond, The (1981)
Beyond Dreams Door
Beyond Evil
Beyond Terror aka Further than Fear (1980)
Bits and Pieces (1985)
Black Cat, The
Black Devil Doll From Hell
Black Room, The (1984)
Black Roses
Blackout (1985)
Blade in the Dark, A
Blind Date (1984) – kirstie alley
Blind Witness (1989)
Blob, The
Blood Beach
Blood Cult (1985)
Blood Delirium (1988)
Blood Diner
Blood Eaters / Toxic Zombies
Blood Frenzy
Blood Harvest
Blood Hook (1986)
Blood Lake
Blood Link (1982)
Blood Rage
Blood Screams (1988)
Blood Sisters
Blood Tide (1982)
Blood Tracks (1985)
Bloodbath at the House of Death (1984)
Bloodspell aka The Boy from Hell (1988)
Bloodsuckers from Outer Space (1984)
Bloody Birthday
Bloody Movie aka Terror Night (1987)
Bloody New Year
Bloody Wednesday (1987)
Blue Monkey
Boarding House (1983)
Body Count
Bog (1983)
Boggy Creek 2 (1985)
Boogens, The
Boogeyman, The
Brain Damage (1988)
Brainsucker (1988)
Bride, The
Brother From Another Planet, The (1984)
Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981)
Burning, The
C.H.U.D. II: Bud the C.H.U.D.
Cameron’s Closet (1989)
Cannibal Apocalypse (1980)
Cannibal Apocalyse (1980)
Cannibal Campout (1988)
Cannibal Ferox (aka Make them Die Slowly) (1981)
Cannibal Hookers
Cannibal Terror (1981)
Cardiac Arrest (1980)
Carpenter, The (1988)
Carrier, The
Cassandra (1986)
Cat’s Eye (1985)
Cat People
Cataclysm aka The Nightmare Never Ends (1980)
Catacombs (1988)
Caution, Children At Play aka Kiss Daddy Goodbye
Celia: Child of Terror (1989)
Cellar (1989), The
Cellar Dweller (1988)
Cemetery of Terror aka Zombie Apocalypse (1985)
Central Park Drifter aka Graveyard Shift (1987)
Chair, The (1988)
Changeling, The (1980)
Cheerleader Camp
Child’s Play
Children, The
Children of the Corn
Chilling, The (1989)
Chinese Ghost Story, A
Chopper Chicks in Zombietown
Chopping Mall
Christmas Evil
Church, The
City in Panic aka 13 (1986)
City of Blood (1983)
City of the Living Dead
Class of Nuke’em High (1986)
Coming, The aka Burned at the Stake (1981)
Communion (1989)
Company of Wolves, The
Contamination (1980)
Corpse Mania [Si yiu] (1981)
Creature (1985)
CreepTales (1986)
Creepers (1985)
Creepshow (1982)
Creepshow 2
Crimewave (1985)
Crocodile (1981)
Curse, The
Curse II: The Bite
Curse of the Blue Lights (1988)
Curse of the Cannibal Confederates
Curse of the Living Dead
Curse of the Screaming Dead, The
Curtains (1983)
Cutting Class
Dance of the Damned (1988)
Dario Argentoâ’s World of Horror
Dark Age (1987)
Dark Heritage (1989)
Dark Night of the Scarecrow
Dark Power, The (1985)
Dark Sanity (1982)
Dark Side of Midnight, The aka The Creeper (1984)
Dark Tower (1987 )
Dark of the Night aka Mr. Wrong (1985)
Daughter of Death aka Julie Darling (1983)
Dawn of the Mummy
Day of the Dead
Dead-End Drive In (1986)
Dead And Buried (1981)
Dead Calm (1989)
Dead Fright aka Collector’s Item (1985)
Dead Heat
Dead Next Door, The
Dead Ringers
Deadline (1981)
Deadly Blessing
Deadly Dreams (1988)
Deadly Eyes aka The Rats (1982)
Deadly Games (1982)
Deadly Intruder (1984)
Deadly Spawn, The
Dead of Winter (1987)
Deadtime Stories
Death Doll (1989)
Death House a.k.a. Zombie Death House
Death Powder (1986)
Death Row Diner (1988)
Death Screams aka House of Death (1982)
Death Ship
Death Shock (1981)
Death Spa aka Witch Bitch (1988)
Death Valley (1982)
Death Warmed Up (1984)
Death Wish Club aka Carnival of Fools (1983)
Death by Dialogue (1988)
Death of a Nun aka Blood Bride (1980)
Deep Space (1988)
DeepStar Six
Delirium: Photo of Gioia (1987)
Demon Hunter (1983)
Demon Murder Case, The (1983)
Demon Queen (1986)
Demon of Paradise
Demonoid: Messenger of Death (1981)
Demons 2
Demons of Ludlow, The (1983)
Demonstone (1989)
Demonwarp (1988)
Devil’s Gift, The (1984)
Devil , The (1981)
Devil Hunter (Sexo caníbal) (1980)
Devil Rider (1989)
Devilfish aka Monster Shark (1984)
Devonsville Terror, The (1983)
Dial: HELP (1988)
Dinner With a Vampire (TV)
Disciples of the Crow
Disconnected (1983)
Docteur Jekyll et les Femmes
Doctor and the Devils, The
Dominique Is Dead (1980)
Dominique is Dead aka Dominique aka Avenging Spirit (1980)
Don’t Answer the Phone!
Don’t Go Near the Park
Don’t Go in the Woods Alone 91980)
Don’t Go to Sleep
Don’t Look in the Attic (1982)
Don’t Open Till Christmas (1984)
Don’t Panic (1988)
Don’t Go in the House
Don’t Go into the Woods Alone! (1980)
Doom Asylum
Dr. Caligari
Dracula’s Widow
Dream Demon (1988)
Dreamaniac (1986)
Dreaming, The (1988)
Dressed To Kill (1980)
Driller (1984)
DungeonMaster, The (aka Ragewar) (1984)
Eaten Alive! aka Doomed to Die (1980)
Eating Raoul
Edge of Sanity
Edge of the Axe (1988)
Effects aka The Manipulator (1980)
Elves (1989)
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
Endangered Species (1982)
Entity, The (1982)
Entrails of a Beautiful Woman
Erotic Nights of the Living Dead
Escapees, The (The Runaways) (1981)
Escapes (1986)
Estigma aka Stigma (1980)
Eternal Evil aka The Blue Man (1985
Evil Altar (1988)
Evil Below, The (1989)
Evil Cat (Xiong mao) (1986)
Evil Clutch (1988)
Evil Dead, The (1981)
Evil Dead II Dead By Dawn (1987)
Evil Dead Trap
Evil Fairies, The
Evil In The Woods (1986)
Evil Laugh
Evil Spawn
EvilSpeak (1981)
Evil Town
Evils of the Night (1985)
Eyes of Fire (1983)
Eyes of a Stranger
Faceless (1987)
Fade to Black
Fair Game (1986)
Far from Home (1989)
Fatal Games (1984)
Fatal Images (1989)
Fatal Pulse (1988)
Fear City
Fear aka Angst (1983)
Fear no Evil
Fiend aka Deadly Neighbor (1980)
Final Conflict, The
Final Exam
Final Terror, The aka Forest Primeval (1983)
Flesh Eater (Zombie Nosh , Revenge of the Living Dead) (1988)
Flesh Eating Mothers
Flower of Flesh and Blood (Guinea Pig films) (1985)
Fly, The
Fly 2, The (1989)
Fog, The  (1980)
Food of the Gods: Part 2 (1989)
Force of Darkness (1985)
Forest, The
Forever Evil
Forgotten One, The (1989)
Formula for a Murder (1985)
Fortress (1986)
Frankenstein Island (1981)
Freakshow (1989)
Freeway Maniac, The (1989)
Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th – 7: The New Blood
Friday the 13th – 8: Jason Takes Manhattan
Friday the 13th – Part 2 (1981)
Friday the 13th – Part 3 (1982)
Friday the 13th – Part 4 (1984)
Friday the 13th – Part 5 (1985)
Friday the 13th – Part 6 (1986)
Fright Night
Fright Night Part 2
Fright Show (1985)
From Beyond (1986)
From a Whisper to A Scream (aka The Offspring) (1987)
From the Dead of Night (1989)
Full Moon High
Funeral Home
Funhouse (1981)
Gakidama:The Demon Within (1985)
Galaxy of Terror
Game, The aka The Cold (1984)
Geek Maggot Bingo or The Freak from Suckweasel Mountain (1983)
Ghost Dance (1980)
Ghost Riders
Ghost Town
Ghostbusters II
Ghosthouse (1988)
Ghostkeeper (1981)
Ghoulies II
Girls Nite Out aka The Scaremaker (1984)
Godsend, The
Goodnight God Bless aka Lucifer (1987)
Graduation Day (1981)
Grandmother’s House (1989)
Grave Secrets aka Secret Screams (1989)
Graverobbers aka Dead Mate (1988)
Graveyard Disturbance (aka A Night in a Cemetery) (1987)
Great White aka The Last Shark (1982)
Greedy Terror aka Shock Chamber (1985)
Grim Prairie Tales
Grotesque (1988)
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
Halloween 5 (1989)
Halloween II (1981)
Halloween III: Season of the Witch
Halloween Night aka Hack-O-Lantern (1988)
Hand, The
Happy Birthday to Me (1981)
Hard Rock Zombies (1985)
Haunting Passion, The (1983)
He Knows You’re Alone
Headhunter (1989)
Hearse, The
Hell High
Hell Night
Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II
Hell of the Living Dead aka Virus (1980)
Hellraiser (1987)
Hellraiser 2: Hellbound (1988)
Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986)
Hex (1980)
Hidden, The
Hide and Go Shriek (1988)
Hills Have Eyes Part II, The
Hitcher, The
Hobgoblins (1988)
Hollow Gate (1988)
Hollywood’s New Blood (1988)
Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers
Home Sweet Home
Honeymoon Horror (1982)
Horror House on Highway Five (1985)
Horror Show, The
Hospital Massacre
House 3 aka The Horror Show (1989)
House II: The Second Story
House Where Death Lives, The
House Where Evil Dwells, The (1982)
Houseboat Horror (1989)
House by the Cemetery, The
Housekeeper, The (1986)
House of Clocks, The
House of Lost Souls, The (1989)
House of Witchcraft, The (1989)
House of the Long Shadows
House of the Yellow Carpet, The (1983)
House on Sorority Row, The
House on the Edge of The Park (1980)
Howling (1981)
Howling II: Stirba ‘ Werewolf Bitch
Howling III
Howling IV: The Original Nightmare
Howling V: The Rebirth
Human Experiments (1980)
Humanoids From The Deep (1980)
Humongous (1982)
Hunger, The
Hunter’s Blood (1986)
I, Madman (1989)
I Saw What You Did (1988)
Icebox Murders, The (1982)
Igor and the Lunatics
Immortalizer, The (1989)
Incubus, The
Inferno (1980)
Initiation, The
Innocent Prey (1984)
In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro (1986)
Intruder (1989)
Intruder within, The
Invaders from Mars (1986)
Invitation to Hell
Island, The
Island Claws (1980)
Island Fury aka Please Don’t Eat the Babies (1983)
It’s Alive III: Island of the Alive
Jack’s Back
Jar, The (1984)
Jaws 3-D
Jaws: The Revenge
Jaws of Satan (1981)
Jitters, The (1989)
Judgement Day aka The Third Hand (1988)
Jungle Heat aka Dance of the Dwarfs (1983)
Junior (1985)
Just Before Dawn
Killer Crocodile (1989)
Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
Killer Party
Killing Hour, The aka The Clairvoyant (1982)
Killing Spree
Killing of Satan, The (1983)
Kindred, The
Kiss, The
Lady, Stay Dead (1984)
Lady in White
Lair of the White Worm, The
Lamp, The
Las Vegas Bloodbath (1989)
Last Horror , The
Last Horror Film, The  (aka Fanatic) (1982)
Last Hunter, The
Last Slumber Party, The (1988)
Laughing Dead, The (1989)
Legend of the Overfiend (aka Urotsukidôji) (1989)
Lift, The aka Goin’ Up (1983)
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Living Nightmare aka Echoes (1983)
Loch Ness Horror, The (1981)
Lone Wolf (1988)
Long Island Cannibal Massacre
Lost Boys, The
Lost Tribe, The (1983)
Lost in New York (1989)
Lunch Meat (Lunchmeat) (1987)
Lurkers (1988)
Macabre (1980)
Mad Ron’s Prevue’s From Hell (1987)
Magic of Spell (aka Magic warriors )(1986)
Majorettes, The (1986)
Making Contact aka Joey (1985)
Manhattan Baby
Manhunter (1986)
Mania: Episodes in Terror (1986)
Maniac (1980)
Maniac Cop (1988)
Maniac Killer
Mansion of the Living Dead (1985)
Mausoleum (1983)
Maximum Overdrive (1986)
Maya (1989)
Meet the Feebles
Memorial Valley Massacre (1988)
Microwave Massacre
Midnight Horror aka Midnight Killer (1986)
Midnight Hour, The (1985)
Midnight Offerings (1981)
Mirror of Death
Monkey Shines
Monster Club, The
Monster Dog
Monster Squad, The
Monster in the Closet
Moon in Scorpio
Moonlight Sonata (original title: Kuutamosonaatti)
Moonstalker (1989
Mortuary (1983)
Motel Hell (1980)
Mountaintop Motel Massacre
Mr. Vampire
Murder Elite (1985)
Murder Obsession aka Murder Syndrome (1981)
Murder Rock: Dancing Death (1984)
Murder by Phone aka Bells (1982)
Mutilator, The  (1985)
Nail Gun Massacre (1985)
Near Dark
Necromancer (1988)
Nekromantik (1987)
Neon Maniacs
Nest, The
Nesting, The
New Kids, The (1985)
New York Ripper, The
Next of Kin (1982)
Night Life aka Grave Misdemeanours (1989)
Night Ripper (1986)
Night School
Night Screams
Night Shadow (1989)
Night Stalker, The (1987)
Night Terror (1989)
Night Train to Terror (1985)
Night Vision
Night Visitor (1989)
Night Warning
Night Wars (1988)
Nightbeast (1982)
Nightmare (aka ‘Nightmare in a Damaged Brain’) (1981)
Nightmare Sisters
Nightmare Weekend (1986)
Nightmare at Noon
Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge, A
Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, A
Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master, A
Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child, A
Nightmares aka Stage Fright (1980)
Night of Death (1980)
Night of Horror (1981)
Night of The Creeps (1986)
Night of The Demons (1988)
Night of the Comet
Night of the Hunted, The
Night of the Werewolf (1981)
Nights of Terror (1986)
Nightwish (1989)
Nomads (1986)
Not of This Earth (1988)
Oasis of the Zombies (1981)
Of Unknown Origin (1983)
Ogre: Demons 3, The
Omen III: The Final Conflict
On The Third Day (1983)
Once Bitten
One Dark Night
Open House
Opera (1987)
Oracle, The (1985)
Other Hell, The
Outback Vampires aka The Wicked (1987
Out of the Body (1989)
Out of the Dark (1989)
Paganini Horror (1989)
Paint It Black (1989)
Panic Beats (1983)
Paperhouse (1988)
Patrick Still Lives (1980)
People Across the Lake, The (1988)
Pet Sematary
Phantasm II
Phantom Brother (1988)
Phantom Empire, The (1989)
Phantom of Death (1988)
Phantom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge
Phantom of the Opera (1989)
Phantom of the Ritz (1988)
Phenomena aka Creepers (1985)
Philadelphia Experiment
Phobia (1980)
Pieces (1982)
Pieces of Darkness (1989)
Pin: A Plastic Nightmare (1988)
Piranha II: The Spawning
Pit, The
Play Dead (1986)
Pledge Night
Poison for the Fairies (1984)
Poltergeist (1982)
Poltergeist II: The Other Side
Poltergeist III
P*rno Holocaust
Power, The (1984)
Preppy Murder, The
Prettykill aka Tomorrow’s a Killer (1987)
Prey, The
Primal Rage (1988)
Prince of Darkness
Prince of Terror, The (1988)
Project Nightmare (1987)
Prom Night (1980)
Prowler, The  (1981)
Psycho Cop (1989)
Psycho II
Psycho III
Psychos In Love (1987)
Puppet Master
Q: The Winged Serpent (1982)
Rabid Grannies (1989)
Raiders of the Living Dead (1986)
Rat Man (1988)
Rats: Night of Terror aka Blood Kill (1984)
Rawhead Rex (1986)
Really Weird Tales (1987)
Redneck Zombies
Rejuvenator, The (1988)
Rest in Pieces (1987)
Returning, The aka Witch Doctor (1983)
Return of the Family Man (1989)
Return of the Killer Tomatoes! (1988)
Return of the Living Dead Part II
Return of the Werewolf, The
Return to Horror High
Return to Salem’s Lot, A
Revenge aka Blood Cult 2 (1986)
Revenge of the Living Dead Girls, The (1987)
Ripper, The (1985)
Road Games (1981)
Rock ‘n’ Roll Nightmare
Rock-A-Die Baby (1989)
Rocktober Blood
Rush Week
Satan’s Bed (1983)
Satan’s Black Wedding (1980)
Satan’s Blade (1984)
Satan’s Mistress
Satan’s Storybook (1989)
Saturday the 14th
Scanners (1981)
Scared Stiff
Scared To Death
School of Fear (1989)
Scream (1981)
Scream Dream (1989)
Scream for Help (1984)
Screamplay (1985)
Screamtime (1983)
Sea Serpent, The (1984)
Sender, The
Serpent and the Rainbow, The
Seventh Sign, The (1988)
Sex and Black Magic (1980)
Sexandroide (1987)
Shadows Run Black (1986)
Shadows of the Mind (1980)
Shaman, The
Sheriff’s Strange Son, The
Silent Madness
Silent Night, Deadly Night 2
Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out!
Silent Night Deadly Night (1984)
Silent Scream
Silver Bullet (1985)
Sister, Sister (1987)
Skinned Alive
Skullduggery aka Blood Puzzle (1983)
Slaughter High (1986)
Slaughterhouse Rock (1988)
Slayer, The
Sledgehammer (1983
Sleepaway Camp (1983)
Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers
Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland
Sleep of Death
Slime City (1988)
Slumber Party Massacre
Slumber Party Massacre 2
Sodoma’s Ghost (1988)
Sole Survivor
Sorority House Massacre
Soultangle, The (1987)
Spasms (1983)rvivor (1983)
Special Effects (1984)
Specters (1987)
Spider Labyrinth aka The Spider’s Nest (1988)
Spine (1986)
Splatter Farm (1987)
Splatter University
Spontaneous Combustion
Stage Fright aka Deliria (1987)
Star Crystal (1986)
Stay Awake, The
StepFather, The (1987)
Stepfather 2 : Make Room for Daddy (1989)
Stick, The
Stones of Death aka Kadaicha (1988)
Strange Behavior
Strangeness, The  (1985)
Street Trash
Stripped to Kill (1987)
Student Bodies
Stuff, The
Suckling, The
Sukkubus – den Teufel im Leib (1989)
Summer Camp Nightmare (1987)
Supernatural (1981)
Supernaturals, The
Surgikill (1989)
Sweet House of Horrors, The (1989)
Sweet Sixteen (1983)
Tales from the Gimli Hospital
Tales of the Third Dimension (1984)
Tattoo (1981)
Tenebrae (1982)
Terminal Choice (1985)
Terrifying Tales (1989)
Terror Eyes (1989)
Terror Train
Terror Within, The (1989)
Terror at Tenkiller (1986)
Terrorgram (1988)
Terror in the Aisles
Terror on Alcatraz (1987)
Terror on Tour
Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2, The
The Mutilator (1985)
They Live
Thing,  The  (1982)
Things (1989)
This House Possessed (1981)
Time Walker (1982)
Timesweep (1987)
To All a Good Night
Tomb, The (1986)
Too Scared to Scream (1985)
Torment (1986)
Touch of Death (1988)
Transformations (1988)
Transmutations aka Underworld (1985)
Trapped (1989)
Trick or Treat (1986)
Twice Dead
Twilight Zone: The Movie
Twisted: A Step Beyond Insanity (1986)
Twisted Nightmare
Twisted Nightmare aka Ancient Evil (1987)
Undertaker , The (1988)
Unhinged (1982)
Unholy, The
Unholy, The (1988)
Unmasked Part 25
Unnamable, The
Vampire’s Kiss
Vampire vs. Vampire (1989)
Vanishing, The
Victims! (1985)
Video Dead
VideoDrome (1983)
Video Violence… When Renting Is Not Enough (1987)
Vindicator, The (1986)
Vineyard, The (1989)
Visiting Hours (1982)
Visitors, The (1988)
Vultures (1983)
Warning Sign (1985)
Watcher in the Woods, The
Watcher in the Woods,  The  (1980)
We’re Going to Eat You (1980)
Welcome to Spring Break aka Nightmare Beach (1988
What Waits Below (1984)
When Alice Broke the Mirror
White Dog (1982)
White of the Eye (1987)
Whodunit aka Ilsand of Blood (1982)
Wild Beasts, The (1984)
Wind, The
Witchery (1988)
Witchery aka Witchcraft (1988)
Witchtrap (1989)
Without Warning (1980)
Woman in Black, The
Women in Fury
Woodchipper Massacre (1988
Worst of Faces of Death (1987)
Wraith,  The  (1986)
Zero Boys, The (1986)
Zombi 3
Zombie 5: Killing Birds (1987)
Zombie Brigade (1986)
Zombie Death House (1987)
Zombie High
Zombie Holocaust aka Zombie 3 aka Dr. Butcher, M.D.

80’s Horror Movies – List – 1980’s Horror Movies – A complete list of all the Horor films from the 1980’s


  1. 057b4e6dcacdefd17b45a5b179b5f4f0?s=65&r=g

    Wonderful goods from you, man. I’ve understand your stuff previous to and you are just extremely fantastic. I really like what you’ve acquired here, really like what you are saying and the way in which you say it. You make it enjoyable and you still care for to keep it wise. I can not wait to read much more from you. This is really a tremendous site.

  2. 469f89f44cdabf7cea8b3b1447132989?s=65&r=g

    just wondering if you could name this movie for me it’s about people and a thick black toxic substance in the water and when people touch it it eats away at there skin while in the water on a skid i have not seen this movie in a very long time not sure even if it’s a horror movie or a sci fi i think it’s an 80’s film though hope you can help me out thanks.

  3. 2c588d80b0535daef2d811f49ab6e680?s=65&r=g

    You see, I am having trouble naming this horror film at 00:02 where this guys eyeballs explode what is it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrCljUDHcuk

    also, you need to revie robot holocaust (1986) and the borrower (1991)

  4. b39d1703d891c42dddc6061d4a4f8d53?s=65&r=g

    question?????? Name of a cheezy horror movie where two kids are trapped in a house when its dark and weird things happen. Saw the trailer and it was cool for a corny movie. It looked like a grim reaper sort of character was trying to scare them. If i remember seemed like it was a haunted house kind of thing

  5. ?s=65&r=g

    Anybody know the name of this 80s movie with a bunch of young adults trapped in this vast downtown building with two killers stalking them? At the end, one of the killers actually defends them and is then killed by the other one?

  6. 55df6fd675663a612f9d1a0d9a8841e7?s=65&r=g

    How about Zombie Lake (1981)?


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