The third season of the television series True Blood premiered on June 13, 2010 simultaneously on HBO and HBO Canada. It concluded its run on September 12, 2010 and contained 12 episodes, bringing the series total to 36. It loosely follows the plot of the third novel of The Southern Vampire Mysteries, Club Dead.REVIEW:
So you say your a True Blood fan or perhaps a new comer and want to know what’s went down in season 3? First off the boat we are probably due for some fact posting. The premier debuted on June 13, 2010 on its regular network HBO. My notes say it also loosely follows the plot of the third novel of The Southern Vampire Mysteries, Club Dead.
Now if your starting with season 3 and trying to get some kind of base, your really best off heading on back to Seasons 1 and 2 to get the full scope of the lineage and characters for that matter. But for true fans, you know that Bill has been away for some time and his love interest Snookie is off on her own tangent to find and bring him back. To do so, Snookie has joined forces with a werewolf by the name of Alcide who seems to have a bit of a subtle crush on Sookie as well. The vampire legion is busy playing power games and off on political agendas as they encounter a mix of vampires old, new and determined.
It far enough in the series that we have learned all about the way the ranks of vampirism fall. Leaders with leaders with more leaders and in between a healthy dose of plots, back stabbing and personal agendas to counterbalance the whole thing. Season 3 introduces a new character Sam’s younger brother Tommy Mickens (Marshall Allman). The King of Mississippi has made an impact as a lasting dynamic character who also seems to have his own agenda in mind. Eric also discovers an important part of his legacy in his new acquaintances.
Anna Paquin as Sookie continues to get hotter each season. This combines with the racy content at times makes for a smart adult driven monster fest. The vampires are bold, aggressive and measure up to any sort of prerelease concept of a world that is interwoven with these undead but intelligent beings.
One of the things that’s worth mentioning is there is alot of inner character plot development. Probably too much for new viewers who don’t have a good sense of the previous seasons. Because of this it also adds alot of dram and inner stories that are seeming to evolve on there own. Fro some this might be a hard to follow factor but in my opinion it makes for great evolution on a series that could simply stick with biting necks, a love interest and some locals down by the bayou.
There is plenty of werewolves in this one but the aspect is not really so much the highlight. It’s clear that the writers had fun with this season and really went into alot of non typical directions. That may be a plus or minus to hardcore viewers who would rather keep more on the vampirismS and core. But hey, you gotta take the series somewhere right, and the same old tends to get boring, so with that being said, there is some awfully intriguing twists thrown into this season. We also begin to really feel the weight of politics taking over which is sequing nicely into a new season.
One of the biggest disappointments which is not a bad thing for a series is that the time between seasons is usually a long wait. Because of this by the time you’ve started the next season, alot of this inner story drama is lost and has to be somewhat re-established. The good news is that each season provides a rich experience, so doing a marathon run is pretty much a guaranteed good viewing experience.
Though make no mistake here, this is one of the finest looking blurray or box sets I’ve seen on the market. Beautifully packaged, load and ripe for viewing!!!!
Some technical details about the set:
The 5-disc box set will present all 12 episodes with 1080p (1.78:1) video, an English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 soundtrack, and the only supplement announced so far is Enhanced Viewing Mode for all of the episodes.
Suggested list price for this set will be $79.98.