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Home | New poster for Dustin Ferguson’s Sci-Fi actioner RoboWoman starring Dawna Lee Heising,Brinke Stevens,Mel Novak & Vida Ghaffari

New poster for Dustin Ferguson’s Sci-Fi actioner RoboWoman starring Dawna Lee Heising,Brinke Stevens,Mel Novak & Vida Ghaffari

New poster for Dustin Ferguson’s Sci-Fi actioner RoboWoman starring Dawna Lee Heising,Brinke Stevens,Mel Novak & Vida Ghaffari


New poster for prolific filmmaker Dustin Ferguson ( 5 G Zombies), Sci-Fi Actioner RoboWoman written by Mike Reeb (House of Pain) starring Dawna Lee Heising (Finding Purpose), Brinke Stevens (Slumber Party Massacre), Mel Novak (Bruce Lee’s Game Of Death), & Sue Price ( Abert Pyun’s Nemesis 2-5), Vida Ghaffari (The Mindy Project), and special effects by Joe Castro (Night of the Demons 3). After a savage physical attack, Vivica Stevens ( Lee Heising) undergoes illegal experimental cybernetic surgery and is fashioned with robotic parts and vision, However, the surgery wrecks havoc on her brain, and and before long, she’s on a deadly rampage of revenge. Aki Aleong (Babylon 5) , Peter Stickles (Showgirls 2), Thom Mulligan, Mark Popejoy, Clint Beaver, Zach Muhs, Shaun Vetick, Ken May, Freddy John James and Nathan Gershon round out the cast. This film is produced by Randy Scornavacca (Nemesis 5 The New Model). Available Now on Vod & Digital and dvd release date September 29th from Wild Eye Releasing.

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