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Tag Archives: Amy Smart

Film Review: 7500 (2014)


Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: Passengers aboard a flight across the Pacific Ocean encounter a supernatural force. REVIEW: “Ghosts on a Plane.” Aware of only a vague plot synopsis before firing up our latest, it took about halfway in for that humorous alternate title to pop into my melon. Once there, it refused to leave. My apologies to anyone I’ve doomed to …

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Film Review: Seventh Moon (2008)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Blair Witch co-creator Eduardo Sanchez continues to strip away his characters’ sense of ease and confidence in his third film, which captures the horrors that befall a pair of newlyweds honeymooning in China. Melissa (Amy Smart) and Yul (Tim Chiou) are enjoying the Hungry Ghost Festival immensely, but their hosts think they’re enjoying it too much. …

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Film Review: Strangeland (1998)


SYNOPSIS: A deranged man that goes by Captain Howdy lures people to his lair via Internet chat rooms (remember those?) where he subjects them to a number of cruel and painful body modifications.   REVIEW: Review-When I was in the 5th grade I was really into heavy metal, hard rock, and hair bands, and Twisted Sister was one of my favorites. When …

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Film Review: Hangman (2015)


SYNOPSIS: The Millers return home after a vacation and discover that their home was robbed. After the mess is cleaned up, they have no idea that their nightmare has just begun. REVIEW: Sometimes one little twist is enough to make a mediocre experience feel like something far more important. I remember the first time I’ve watched Maniac (the remake, 2012). …

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Film Review: Mirrors (2008)


SYNOPSIS: This creepy supernatural thriller from director Alexandre Aja stars Kiefer Sutherland as troubled security guard Ben Carson, who discovers malevolent spirits living within the mirrors of a fire-ravaged department store. When their murderous nature comes to light, Ben turns to his estranged wife (Paula Patton) to help him save their family — and himself. The supporting cast includes Amy …

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