Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: In PG: PSYCHO GOREMAN, siblings Mimi and Luke unwittingly resurrect an ancient alien overlord who was entombed on Earth millions of years ago after a failed attempt to destroy the universe. They nickname the evil creature Psycho Goreman (or PG for short) and use the magical amulet they discovered to force him to obey their childish whims. …
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Film Review: Psycho Goreman (2020)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Two siblings unearth an ancient alien overlord and all hell breaks loose on earth as those from his home planet try to stop him from destroying the universe.
Read More »Film Review: The Editor (2014)
Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: A one-time (and now one-handed) master film editor toiling in the cinematic sweatshops of 1970s Italy becomes the prime suspect in a series of brutal murders, in this loving tribute to/parody of the gory giallo thrillers of Mario Bava and Dario Argento. REVIEW: Astron-6 is a genre outfit known for their attention to detail, skewed sense of …
Read More »Film Review: Astron-6 (2011)
SYNOPSIS: Astron-6 is the brainchild of these five iconoclastic, multi-media artists who share a fascination with the mechanics of fear and laughter. They subvert the expectations of the seasoned viewer with the nightmarish and absurd. Their imagery and recurring themes are often torn from the childhood of the irony-craving, internet savvy Generations X and Y. That is, they often lampoon …
Read More »Film Review: Manborg (2011)
SYNOPSIS: A soldier, brought back to life as a cyborg, fights alongside a band of adventurers against demon hordes in a dystopian future. REVIEW: I may remain far too engulfed in an after glow of giddiness to complete a coherent thought here, but I’m going to give it the ol’ college try at any rate. I speak not of the pain killers …
Read More »Film Review: The Millennium Bug (2011)
SYNOPSIS: With the famed 2000 Y2K bug in loom, the Haskin family retreats to a ghost town, in the mountains of Sierra Diablos. While camping they’re abducted by a deranged Hillbilly family, The Crawford’s. Neither family can possibly fathom the unearthly presence about to interrupt their unholy redneck wedding. Will The Haskins have what it takes to survive against all …
Read More »Film Review: Father’s Day (2011)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Ahab, a man obsessed with exacting a brutal, violent revenge on the man who murdered his dad, joins John, an eager priest, and Twink, a hot-headed street hustler, on an epic quest to find and defeat this mythical monster known as Chris Fuchman AKA The Father’s Day Killer. REVIEW: It’s almost impossible to classify “Father’s Day” …
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