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Book Review: Heavenly Hugs – Author Dr. Carla Wills-Brandon

HeavenlyHugsTackling the after life, is quite a big mountain to climb. We are comforted and educated by the words of others who felt the need to not sit by idly and rather share their unique circumstances

“Heavenly Hugs” is a new book created by author Carla Will-Brandon, pdD who has dedicated her time to researching close to 2000 cases of the dying and passing. Carla begins her journey with a few of her own personal stories that are designed to inspire rather than frighten. Carla like many of us, believe that death is not the end and that in the same respect to Henry Miller’s quote, believe that dying is a transition, a new vision to be experienced.

Quite a way to start off a book about the dying to find out that it doesn’t exist. But as Carla has so cautiously put it, we are all beings on our way to another state, dimension or reality. It is not enough to understand this notion, one must feel the comfort and stories of others who have experienced this notion first hand thru the passing of loved others. They call them “departing visions” which is the phenomenon that occurs as a life is reaching its final days on earth. The visions described as “hallucinations” are snubbed by many professionals as simply a brain dying, but as in the case of this book, we learn about the visions and the details that suggest otherwise. Those loved ones who are joined by those who have passed, the exiting experiences that others have described as a final contact moment and the big step from one life into the next.

As I ventured further, it was clear that Carla Will-Brandon had already experienced much skepticism in her studies. This, like any teacher is better presented in the words of others and the experiences of our past. The author proceeds by laying a foundation of historical reports that profess great affinity with the passing of others and the experiences that they shared. “Heavenly Hugs” keeps things compassionate, always considering the reaction of its readers and simply in more words or more saying “it’s going to be ok”, there is a new beginning awaiting.

The book takes on how dreams are important and have often been misinformed by many of the published books on the subject. To back this, we are also told about dreams that signal passing and transcend boundaries to communicate unto loved ones. In fact, it is demonstrated that often many of these “death dreams” have been premonitions in disguise. We explore all the research that is collected with stories and tales that mirror similarities among individuals and their experiences with the passing. The soul, the beyond, the messages form the dead who seed hints of our reality to yet come.

Carla Wills-Brandon brings all her research to a head with a simple guide for spiritual paths that we must embrace. A few life lessons are suggested on how to deal with “other” spiritual paths. The concept of self and understanding. suggestions include: acceptance, tolerance and quiet times to reflect. Recommendations include: recognizing our own medium capabilities and a connection with others whom we encounter. “Heavenly Hugs” takes a look into all things passing. While other books might ground their research in science, Carla Wills-Brandon collects the experiences and cases of others to prove that “something” does carry on beyond our earthbound understandings. In essence this book provides a comfort for all who are scared about what comes next. By hearing about accounts, history and situations that echo the same seeds, we can embrace this eventual reality and live our lives to the fullest.

Heavenly Hugs: Comfort, Support, and Hope – Author Dr. Carla Wills-Brandon

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