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Home | Join our Motley Crew! HorrorNews.net Seeking Writers

Join our Motley Crew! HorrorNews.net Seeking Writers

Well 2012 brings in a whole new cycle, and with that we are seeking new talent who’d like to be a part of our team! If your a intelligent writer who loves the genre and would like to be heard, then you’ve come to the right place!

HNN is a community-based environment that brings in the best of horror enthusiasts with reviews, news and views. Additional details can be found here

Your writing will be exposed to 1000’s every day, as well as building on your own author page as a contributor.
We always welcome new talent, and new writers that would like to get involved on a larger scale

We are currently seeking :

News Reporters
Article Writers
List Writers (top 10 lists, etc…)
Columnists (Horror Talk, Horror Gossip)

– Please note, openings are for non-paid positions
– At current we are filled up on reviewers, but may open that up in the near future

Depending on what your interests are, please submit an example of your writing when inquiring.
All writing for HNN must be in your own words (no borrowing or copy and paste, …etc)

Other requirements will be communicated depending on the position.

Those interested in writing for HNN please email us directly at positions@horrornews.net

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