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Film Review: Inside Job (2010)



‘Inside Job’ provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. Through exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics, the film traces the rise of a rogue industry which has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia. It was made on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France, Singapore, and China.


Writing a review on the atrocity we all have lived thru is almost as surreal as feeling if you had participated in a movie about yourself. Well as several go about renting this documentary they ultimately are not looking for entertainment as much as they are answers. It wasn’t too long ago that we were taken advantage by the Enron farce, especially if you happened to live in the bay area at the time. Then like a unstable house of cards that was bound to fall as it all comes crashing down, we all are left dumbfounded at seeing our lives, our neighbors lives, and our surroundings crumble around us. As I pass the now vacant line of former Hollywood video stores taken over by sushi stands and hear that the original of video rentals BlockBuster may be on there way out…. I wonder how it all came to be.

This is where it starts. At least for several of us who are not in the know or lack the saviness of business associates who can explain what really happened. “The Inside job” is a tale of how we can be manipulated, how the greedy get greedier and how a little street by the name of Wall street can steal our houses, jobs and security. Yes, this is a true story and as I write this it is still in effect.

You’ll most certainly be hearing terms and ideas that are new to you. Mainly because if they weren’t you probably are on the receiving end of the whole she-bag. You’ll hear of global crisis, of familiar names like Geitner, Paulson and how they manipulated the industry by betting on loans that would fail. Yes, our loans, the loans that provided housing and the jobs that paid for them. You’ll hear about things like derivatives…. a financial concept that they say scientists invented in their spare time. You’ll hear about those who knew it would fail and still moved forward on collecting riches off the foreclosures and dying industries. The inflated bonuses, the closure of industries, the bailouts, the lack of criminal prosecution…..it’s all here. It was probably overdue for a cohesive film to be made about what happened, what went wrong and what’s still going on but as we wash the ashes off a bad time in our economic history. The people are getting smarter and things will have to change.

As it’s stated over 6 billion lost their homes in addition to the mass layoffs that catapulted it all. We are certainly heading into a new age that is re-adjusting itself to grow again but unfortunately on the backs of very rich men. This film is probably one of the most important viewing recommendations this year. Not only does it tell it like it is,. it also exposes these men for the crooks and manipulators that they are. Even without being a total political film, it still calls the decisions made out on the table. The movie is narrated by Matt Damon and brilliantly put together by film maker Charles Ferguson.

As I am writing this review, Ferguson has just received an award for his effort. As he so boldly puts it, why is it that after all the crisis there still is not one single executive who has been put in prison for the crimes against America? In closing, we have become that which the common feared for so many years. A nation of a small circle of highly wealthy individuals that control the economy and continue to prosper from it. Perhaps it is time for a change, perhaps its time that we appoint the right individuals to do it. Your ticket to understanding starts here, but the future is still unwritten.

Inside Job


  1. 70fd60f7d2934a810b93ca4251b2058a?s=65&r=g

    you are an extremely poor writer. this review is full of run on sentences, cliches and poor structure. you, sir, are the worst. Kindly grow up

    • 59dff0ae44a4cd3e68a4175a76c7e50a?s=65&r=g

      Wow, I just read this and then read the review. That’s funny as the review reads really good. It is always funny when we receive a comment that comes across pretentious, but can’t even capitalize their sentence structure properly. Hmm, must be a Brit….though for our sake, hopely not a writer.


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