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Book Review: Girls and Corpses Magazine – Issue 10

Girls_and_Corpses_10GIRLS AND CORPSES (MAGAZINE) – PRINT ISSUE #10 (VOL 2 – Spring)

by Robert Steven Rhine
Published by G&C Magazine
Publication Date: 2010
Format: Color – 78 pages
Price: $8.95

Is that a dead Romero on the cover? Yep you betcha….must mean Girls & Corpses have arrived in the mail. Though I’m gonna turn your attention real quick to page 76 and 77, to a young lady who goes by the name of “Deceased Darling”…..I’m sure her birth name???. We want to see more of her! There’s your cover girl right there. Pretty in Pink combined with the devils concubine.

Ok, back to the goodz…..plenty of dead corpses real and fake litter the pages throughout with there scenario based articles. Page 4, contains some pretty cool coffin couches that I’m gonna have to own some day.

Psycho writer Tamarin is back on board with a tribute to Romero as a corpse. Meant as a gag article, he seems to have put alot of thought into this article with Romero showing his zombie rearing head through history. There’s a few complimentary Photoshop gags for all to see.

“Mothers Day” takes a hard look at the mothers from the Psycho movies with a “where have they gone” article documenting the props used and lost thru the years. Personally I think they all relocated to the Girls and Corpses warehouse to dwell among better company. None-the-less….. historians will enjoy the backtracking of these decrepit lovely ladies.

Erin Russ….yow, nice photo spread, always a pleasure! Basil Gogo’s gets a much needed article documenting his work. That hippy neon monster painting approach is way familiar to us Famous monsters readers. I would love to see the works up close someday. Or better yet, maybe we can get him to do some modern renderings of recent horror icons to stick on our wall. Original, stunning and an artistic icons in themselves.

Dee Snider, that towering giant of bad makeup and moppy hair is on board to talk about how much partying he “doesn’t” do. That’s ok, as its always the smart ones that stick around longer rather than joining the “where did they go” committee. We are all looking forward to Captain Howdy’s return….. Bring it on Dee and make it nasty!

Kris Kuksi….one word, wow! How about them sculptures! I think the attention to detail speaks for itself, I’m just happy to have a few pictures to look at. Mary Carey is the spitting image of a German Fräulein ready to abuse you with good ol Nazi lady love. Can we get her to join the cast of “Ilsa”? Though i’m kind of wishing that boob grabbing shot was the featured inside poster. Lou Rusconi treats us to his low brow brand of girls and corpses art stylings…perfect comic book illustration material.

Top Ten Corpses is perhaps the most interesting of the articles as Vidal sickens us with his real life tales of dead bodies and cleanup visits. I’m not going to ruin the fun….you should really read this one for yourself. Zachelry the cool ghoul is making his rounds these days ad horror ghosts features seem to be on there way back.

A Girl and her Corpse…..sexy? um, no more like really twisted. Girls who seek necrophilia in a lesbian sense is just plain weird. Um dead body boy toys….. I’m sure there enough us living still to accommodate????

The Reach around Rodeo Clowns are a band. Though from the article you’d think they were really more interested in sex and blow jobs. I think they need to get out more to realize that there name paints instant images of 4 gay guys servicing each other. Maybe they be better off with “muff diving rodeo clowns”…just a thought.

That’s it…..have fun with this one along with all the stellar cartoons created just for sick adult minds…over & out!

Available at Girls and Corpses

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