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Oh Bother: New Winnie the Pooh Horror Film Did Not Bring the Honey At the Box Office

Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey was released in American theaters on February 15, 2023. One would think that a beloved childhood book character and cartoon icon from the twentieth century turned sinister would make for an awesome adult horror film idea. Think again!

Unfortunately, many critics felt that the movie did not fulfill expectations as is evident only making $4.2 million at the Box Office during the first week of its debut. Moviegoers have given the film under 20% ratings on notable movie rating websites.

About $2.4 million of Box Office earnings was grossed in other territories outside of the United States and Canada. Americans and Canadians did not like the movie as much, grossing only $1.8 million collectively at their Box Offices.

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The Staggering Ratings From Viewers and Critics

A Google search of the movie reveals all the gory details of viewers’ and critics’ overall views of Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. Only 62% of Google users said that they liked the movie when they saw it in theaters.

IMDb users rated the movie a 3.6 out of 10 from a collective 11,000 reviews. On the website’s most popular movie list, the movie is currently #79 and went down 16 places on the list recently.

Rotten Tomatoes has a staggering 4% Tomatometer rating from 54 viewers. The audience score is only 50% out of the more than 100 verified viewer ratings. A mix of individuals said that there was no plot to the story and that the killing scenes were predictable with production quality that could be better than what it was.

Metacritic reviewers highly dislike the movie with 19 low-rated reviews that give the movie an overall score of 16. However, the user score is favorable with a 7.7 rating out of 84 reviews with 62 being positive and the others being negative.

Why Was the Movie So Bad? *+

The storyline seems to start on the right foot as to why Pooh and Piglet become feral with a thirst for blood when Christopher Robin becomes a man and moves away. From there, the storyline seems to go random as the killings continue to occur with not much character development.

Movie Release Setbacks in Other Countries

The United Kingdom’s release date is two months behind America’s. Residents will get to see the movie for themselves and make a final verdict on what they think when Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey are released in that territory in April.

Hong Kong was originally going to release the film in its theaters, but officials have since then canceled the release because of censorship concerns. Pooh has been a blacklisted character on Chinese Internet search engines because he resembles the nation’s leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping.

As of yet, there is no news of other countries canceling the film. We will update you with more news as the time comes.

What Are Your Thoughts About Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey As a Film Viewer?

Have you seen the new Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey horror slasher flick yet? What is your honest opinion about the storyline and production quality? Did you miss the other characters of the Hundred Acre Wood not featured in the film? Input your thoughts in the comments below.

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