5 short films depicting the world’s most famous iconic slashers. The short film series is called SLASHERVERSE, and it will premiere on my YouTube channel this October. Episodes will be released weekly starting October 7.
From the creators of the Harry Potter fan series “Mudblood” comes a new fan series premiering this Halloween season. “Slasherverse” is a 5-episode tribute to the world’s most iconic horror slashers including Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Ghostface, and Leatherface. Each episode will be a uniquely crafted story paying homage to the original horror icons while introducing wild and unexpected twists.

Writer/Director: Conrad Faraj
Producers: David Wickham & Connie Wickham
Associate Producers: Jason Ross & DeJonna Williams
Editor: Patrick Casteel
Starring: Bailey Weaver, Melina Williams, James Stokes, Melody Miller, Kameron Riggs, Matthew Ward, Zoe Quinn, Logan Soland, Jinette Faraj, Katarena Burke, Chris Briley, Maggie Elisabeth, Jon Heus, Brandon Sergent, Quincey James White, Logan Shephard, Jade Shoemaker, Daniel Repas, Dante Sabatucci, and David Santiago