Paranormal Hunter, the co-op survival horror game set in haunted locations full of malevolent spirits from Shenmue, Shenmue II, and Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine-contributing developer EALoGAMES, conjures a playable demo for the Steam Next Fest on Feb. 21-28, 2022.
Untold terrors will arrive on PC via Early Access in Q2 2022 with optional VR support for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index, and Windows Mixed Reality devices ahead of planned PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch versions following launch.
Explore petrifying locations alone or with four friends in an immersive, VR-optional experience. Scour abandoned edifices for cursed objects before performing a ritual to exorcise the environment of spirits. Be wary of otherworldly pursuers because every interaction with wayward ghosts threatens players’ sanity. Find clues, avoid detection, and quell evil before it has a chance to spread.
Paranormal Hunter’s debut playable demo features one level with randomized elements designed for highly replayable sessions and unpredictable scares. If you’d like to go hands-on with the demo, head to the Steam Page today!