Damian Maffei stopped by Slasher Radio this week and as always, he gets into a whole list of things! Please see below talking points:
-The filming landscape during Covid
-Details upcoming Terror Trips and pre-filming cast/production information-Wrong Turn franchise-Details latest Wrong Turn film and disappointing advertisement/release for the film-Gives Halloween Kills thoughts-General Horror films past & present-The ‘Staying Power’ and second wave of Haunt-Confirms Haunt 2 “There is a lot of cool stuff going on with the Haunt franchise that I can’t talk about. But there’s defintely Haunt stuff coming in the future, already in motion, being produced or whatever. Cool stuff.”
Where to listenSpotify:SlasherRadio Websitehttps://www.slasherradio.com/episode-209-damian-maffei-stops-by-to-talk-wrong-turn-haunt-more/