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Even the Wildest Beast Knows Mercy.
But These Are Not Beasts.
HOUSE OF FLESH MANNEQUINS is a throwback to the classic “fantastic” films of the 70’s. Extreme body art performers are used in the film’s torture sequences. What you see is disturbing, compelling and often very real, making this film TOO EXTREME FOR MAINSTREAM.
The cinematography of Mirco Sgarzi recreates the atmosphere of Fulci and Argento. Die-hard Euro-Horror film fans will enjoy the nods to David Lynch and surrealism of films from the 30’s. Die-hard XXX fans will spot the porn stars!
Due to the EXTREME nature of this content, we cannot offer HOUSE OF FLESH MANNEQUINS thru normal distribution outlets. TOO EXTREME FOR MAINSTREAM films can only be available thru us. We cannot release this film thru Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart or other online retailers without getting into legal trouble. This is due to the laws of different states in the United States, and countries around the world.
House of Flesh Mannequins Directors Ultimate Cut from Unearthed Films on Vimeo.
Interview with Director, Domiziano Cristopharo (Producer of American Guinea Pig: Sacrifice and Director of Red Krokodil)
Behind-the-scenes Featurettes
Unearthed Films Trailers