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Natalie Portman: Hottest Sexiest Photo Collection

Natalie Portman, is one extremely talented actress that provides her own unique on-screen sex appeal to movie goers year after year. She has been blessed with being featured in some extremely high profile roles over the years (of which most would point to the Star Wars films as top contenders).

However, she was great even at an early ripe age being a part of cult films like “Léon: The Professional” where she played the role of Mathilda opposite of Jean Reno, and Gary Oldman, Her most noted (I believe) was the award winning smash underground hit “Black Swan“, which to this day is a film worthy of several re-viewings.


Though her career has been quite eclectic ranging from action, drama, comedy, science fiction and horror genres.

Though you may not recall, she has starred in other great films such as: “Mars Attacks!”, “V for Vendetta”, “Annihilation“, “Avengers: Endgame” and well countless other roles that keep her among one of the harder working actress in the business.

Now of course, we have to mention her as Thor’s love interest, Jane Foster, as Natalie Portman brought that needed extra level of acting chops that helped to make “Thor” a must see hit.

We could go on and on, however it is very apparent that much more is to come from Portman over the next decade.


Getting to what you came here for. Natalie Portman is equally sexy and she is talented. We wanted to make a great effort to give her a feature spot in our gallery with some impressive photos taken over the years capturing her loveliness. As usual, thank us later ….enjoy it now! Presenting; “Natalie Portman’s Hottest Sexiest Photo Collection

Note: Photo rights belong to the collective publications and photographers
We don’t claim exclusiveness, just providing a portal to them

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  1. f5ca48ff0333a90a44b2628441df9a5e?s=65&r=g

    One of my proudest faps, thanks…

  2. c09b3b901338ed8a29a6f2305311437e?s=65&r=g



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