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Tag Archives: Walter Koenig

Film Review: Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan (1982)


SYNOPSIS: “In the second Star Trek film, Admiral Kirk is now a Starfleet Academy instructor, while Captain Spock serves as a cadet training officer, while being in command of the USS Enterprise. Meanwhile, scientists aboard Space Station Regula One are conducting the Project Genesis experiment, and the USS Reliant is assigned to the Genesis project. While surveying a lifeless planet …

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Film Review: Star Trek III The Search For Spock (1984)


SYNOPSIS: “Following Kirk’s encounter with Khan that left the Enterprise severely damaged and Spock dead, they return to Starfleet so that Enterprise could be repaired. Kirk’s hoping to go back to the newly-created Genesis planet where he laid Spock to rest. But upon arriving, he is told that the Enterprise will not be repaired and that Genesis has become a …

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Film Review: Moontrap (1989)


Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: “During a routine flight, two veteran space shuttle pilots discover an alien artifact and bring it back to earth. It soon turns out to be an extraterrestrial war robot, which is able to recycle any biological or technical material for its own deadly use. The two astronauts are sent to the moon where NASA expects to uncover …

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