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Tag Archives: Sella Turcica

Film Review: Sella Turcica (2010)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Sgt. Bradley Robak (Damien A. Maruscak) returns home from active duty after a mysterious accident leaves him paralyzed and wheelchair bound. Awaiting his return, his mother, Karmen (Camille Keaton) and younger sister, Ashley (Jade Risser) remain unaware of the details of the accident and severity of Brad’s condition. Once he arrives, though he looks sickly, his …

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Interview: Fred Vogel – Director (ToeTag Pictures) (Maskhead, August Underground)


WHO: Fred Vogel MOVIE: Maskhead, August Underground ToeTag Picture’s, man behind the madness, Fred Vogel sheds light on their sick past and the upcoming Maskhead film Back in 2003 I started to hear rumblings from the underground about a horror movie that was so vile and had caused such an uproar, it was an immediate must see film, at least …

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