Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: A zombie outbreak begins at a club, leaving locals to fight for survival while a brutal serial killer ads to the body count. Only 2 people know the truth & the infection is just beginning. REVIEW: Wearing a title that’s indicative of what your about to watch, is not “always” a sure bet. With the title …
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Film Review: 200 Degrees (2017)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Ryan Hinds awakes inside a sealed industrial kiln. He is sent challenges by a voice with no face, pushed to the limits of human endurance as the temperature within the kiln begins to rise. REVIEW: I’m not a particular fan of the 2004 movie Saw (technically well made but relentlessly cold and nihilistic) and I find …
Read More »Film Review: Race War The Remake (2012)
Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: A pair of misguided drug dealers, Baking Soda (Howard Calvert) and G.E.D. (Jamelle Kent), find themselves out of customers when a new group of traffickers invade their hood with an alien form of smack. With only their friend Kreech Da Black Kreecha from a Lagoon at their side, the two crack heads – armed and ready – …
Read More »Film Review: Haunted Trailer (2012)
SYNOPSIS: An evil demon haunts a mobile home, tormenting the wacky redneck family that lives there in a number of ways. REVIEW: As most of you know I am not a big fan of movies that combine elements of horror and comedy as I just find the vast majority of them to be obnoxious and painfully unfunny. While there are …
Read More »Film Review: Jacob (2011)
SYNOPSIS: As a developmentally teen Jacob Kell grapples with coping in a broken home, his abusive, drunken step-father and obstacles in his personal affliction. Can his adoring younger sister Sissy be the only key to keeping the unearthly voices that beckon his devotion? REVIEW: Directed By: Larry Wade Carell Starring: Grace Powell, Dylan Horne, Krystn Caldwell, Larry Wade Carell Jacob …
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