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Book Review: One Buck Horror Volume 3 – Editors Chris and Kris Hawkins

Another batch of pulp horror from the One Buck team. Another excellent collection of short stories to get your teeth into. If you’re wondering what to expect, it’s like an old horror comic without the pictures. It won’t take you long to get through, but as you’ve only paid a buck, you don’t begrudge its brevity. Non-spoiling taster to follow.

Helpers by David Steffen – Love this dark fairytale of a child-snatcher with a large and mysterious sack. Brothers Grimm meets Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Home by Augusto Corvalan – This one was right up my street too. Imaginative story about a nuclear family going about its normal everyday existence, despite the fact that things are far from normal and everyday.

Child of Dirt by John F. D. Taff – Rosemary’s Baby meets Alien in this unsettling tale of a Dad who finds it hard to bond with his new baby. If you’re considering having a child, it’s probably best if you give this story a miss – it’ll put you right off.

The Catman Blues by Leisa K.Parker – Couldn’t get into this one, only because it reminded me of The Spirit of Jazz from UK comedy series ‘The Mighty Boosh.’ But that’s just me being stupid, and I could still appreciate the excellent writing and why this dark bluesy tale made the final cut.

Vacation by J.Tanner – If I had to choose a favourite, it would be this. It’s such a fantastically twisted concept I felt a surge of envy. Kids never want to go on holiday with their folks do they? In this story, they’ve got good reason. I would LOVE to share the plot of this with you, but that would be unfair. Suffice to say, this is a real cracker. Hats off to the author.

Off With His Head by Mark Budman – A strong finale with a story that brings to mind Robert Aickman, such is its unsettling, dream-like quality.

And that’s it. Well done again to the editing team. This is fast becoming a firm favourite of mine and if you like short horror stories with plots that are original and rewarding, I urge you to have a look. If you don’t like it, then you’ve only spent a buck eh. Four Black Stars. 

One comment

  1. Awesomesauce! I found your blog through J Tanner. Now I really need to download “Vacation” and see what the twist is.

    J’s Unlife of the Party is one of the prizes in my Trick or Treat Bash Kindle giveaway. I’d love to send you some more info about that, & email you about my “horror lite” book, This Brilliant Darkness, but I’m not sure where to submit that. I saw the note “don’t email us about book reviews” on the submission page, and I don’t want to violate protocol.

    Love the site. I’ll be clicking around for a bit now. :)


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