Cinedigm Entertainment Group’s Devil’s Night: Dawn of the Nain Rouge, directed by Sam Logan Khaleghi and starring Nathan Mathers (Eminem’s brother), Jesi Jenson , and Swifty McVay (from Eminem’s hip hop group D12). The film hits hit VOD & all digital platforms on June 23rd.
A military veteran who returns home, works in law enforcement and she’s assigned to a supernatural case that’s surrounded by urban myth and legend.
Would be happy to discuss screening opportunities for further coverage consideration as well – what do you think? Excited to hear your thoughts!
VOD/Digital Release: June 23, 2020
Production Company: Cinedigm Entertainment Group
Starring: Jesi Jensen, Nathan Mathers, Sam Logan Khaleghi, Swifty McVay
Director/Story by: Sam Logan Khaleghi
Writer: Aaron Russman
Producer: Sam Logan Khaleghi
Co-Producer: Jesse Dean
Executive Producer: Tel Ganesan
Co-Executive Producer: G.B. Thimotheose
Runtime: 94 Minutes