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Home | GODZILLA Casts Up And It’s All Good

GODZILLA Casts Up And It’s All Good

So, what do we know about the GODZILLA reboot that will be heading our way in the spring of 2014? We know that Frank Darabont is in the midst of a final polish of the script, we know that production slated to kick off next month and we know that fan favorite director Gareth Edwards.

News dropped today of some pretty hefty casting news. Elizabeth Olsen and Bryan Cranston have nabbed the leads and I’m sure further news is in our immediate future. This one is shaping up nicely and although nothing is concrete till after the finished script shows up it sure looks like everything is being done to make this a serious remake. It’s early and of course open for change but a release date of May 16, 2014 has been scheduled.


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