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Interview: Timothy Woodward Jr. (Blackout)

Timothy-Woodward-JrExclusive Horrornews Interview Timothy Woodward Jr.
Movie: Blackout

Can you give a brief description of “Blackout”?

Blackout is a Horror/Thriller about a young, up-and-coming attorney that must solve the mystery of all the dead women in his apartment…before the police do. Problem is he cant remember anything

What can you tell us about your character, Harley Roberts?

Harley is an extremely confident guy when the film starts. He is a womaniser of sorts who is working at his fiance’s fathers law firm and about to make partner. Then after a surprise bachelor party he wakes up from being blackout and finds a dead woman in his bathroom. From this point on Harley begins to
crumble and fold like a deck of cards.

How was it working with “Mr. Horror” Bill Oberst Jr.?

“Mr Horror” I love that! If you think he looks scary man just wait till you meet him. I’m kidding it was amazing to work with Bill. He is such an awesome guy in person and so professional once the camera rolls. He has this creepiness that he brought to his character in this film though, that can make u squirm. I mean not angry, violent or mad just creeeepy!

How was it working with director, Matthew K. Hacker?

It was awesome working with Matt as always. He pushed for every ounce of a performance. He really just made us let go and be in that moment. Matt is also the type of person that everyone respects on the cast and crew which made the set really enjoyable. Matt and Joe Ensley our DP did such a amazing job at capturing the performances on camera and creating and an image to compliment the story perfectly.


Give us one scene that was really fun to do and why?

Just one ?? Ah that’s going to be tough cause there were so many! Haha I mean Guns, Fighting, Sex, Dead Girls and getting to act a lil crazy.. Wow i just
about described every scene in the movie haha.. I would have to say is the fight scene at the end. I mean it was snowing, fake blood everywhere and Matt
just really let us do our thing.. They set the stage and was like here yo go now beat the crap out of each other!! Loved it!

Do you have any interesting “behind the scenes” stories while making “Blackout”?

There are several of those but one that stands out in particular. One day during lunch a few of the other cast members and myself went to a restaurant
downtown Wilmington. A girl I was crushing on pretty hard was working there and I was totally hitting on her and she kept looking at me when she was at the kitchen area etc. so I thought i was doing good until on of the cast members said he couldn’t do it anymore and that he had to tell me. I said what is it and he let me know that i still had fake blood all over my neck and on the back of my head. Def explained the girl and the other people staring!! Yea needless to say my crush never turned into a date!

What would Timothy Woodward Jr do if he found a dead woman where he lived?

Well I would prob scream in a really high pitched voice that almost soundedfemale then run and call the cops. I mean the killer could still be inside
right ?? Haha I would def call the police.

After walking out the theater from viewing “Blackout”, what is the first thing you would want to hear come out of my mouth?

Timothy Woodward Jr reminds me of Brad Pitt in Seven. Why haven’t more people hired this guy!!! Haha Honestly if you left the theater just saying WOW
and had honest shock on your face that would be the best. That would mean that we did our job in making a film that sent you on a roller coaster ride full of
highs and lows and now your mentally to tired to say anything but WOW

What was your favorite horror movie from your childhood?

Stephen Kings “Pet Cemetery ” That movie scared the s*%t out of me!! I was scared of my own dog for a very long time after watching that movie!!

What other projects are your currently working on?

I just directed and wrapped another Horror Thriller called Finders Keepers from Pia Cook which is the same writer as Blackout, I am also filming segments
for a series that I star in on Hulu called Hollywood East and in Pre Production on a modern version adaptation of the “Tell Tell Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe and a untitled Vampire Script. I wanna continue to do more horror and thriller films and I am always on the lookout for that next role or next
script, story etc.

Interview: Timothy Woodward Jr. (Blackout)

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