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Home | ‘The Orphan Killer’ Acquires ‘Best Picture’ at ‘Terror Molins De Rei’

‘The Orphan Killer’ Acquires ‘Best Picture’ at ‘Terror Molins De Rei’

New word in on the hit underground slasher film “The Orphan Killer“. It seems this film is taking on a life of its own with fans across the globe. You read about “The Orphan Killer”, this nasty new entry in horror here

Now check out the new pics sent over

At the 30th edition of the ‎Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei Matt Farnsworth’s TOK takes top prize. The Orphan Killer has become a major success in Spain. Playing to sold out screaming crowds, hounded by the papparazi, and interviewed by the press, TOK has taken his place as the serial killer of the 21st Century. Farnsworth was recently interviewed by Bob Rock of Almas Obscuras, Spain’s leading horror blog and online news source in the world of horror. Almas Obscuras rates TOK with the highest honors. TOK also premiered at the prestigious Sitges Film Festival and the San Sebastian Horror Film Festival making front page headlines in Spain’s largest newspapers. This coming December TOK will be featured in Girls and Corpses magazine and Shock Horror Magazine. Both articles interview Farnsworth in depth about this new viable horror franchise. TOK is not yet distributed in any territory in the world. Despite this fact, The Orphan Killer is the favorite horror movie of 2011 and the most popular slasher in the last 20 years among horror fans worldwide. TOK can only be purchased at www.theorphankiller.com


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