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Home | Hellraiser: Bloodline / Hellraiser: Inferno – Bluray combo pack

Hellraiser: Bloodline / Hellraiser: Inferno – Bluray combo pack


Whether you are a die hard fan  or not, forget what you’ve been told as these are 2 really good Hellraiser films. Now in Bluray, your sure to get your full dose of cenobium spawns in full resolution. While its true that the Hellraiser series took a dive in it’s later series, these 2 stand as a rich addition ot the Hellraiser legacy. Bloodline explores the puzzle box legacy with a new femme fatale vixen that gives Pinhead a run for his money. Inferno, begins to take the series in a different direction but still introduces a few frightful characters to the mix.

HELLRAISER: BLOODLINEPinhead is back—and he’s out for more blood. The fourth terrifying chapter of the wildly popular Hellraiser series chronicles the struggle of one family who unknowingly created the puzzle box that opened the doors of Hell—setting the diabolical Pinhead free to spread evil on Earth. Now, the family must fight to slam those doors shut again…but not before Pinhead wages one of his fiercest and most frightening battles ever.

HELLRAISER: INFERNOA shady L.A. detective finds himself lost in a nightmarish world of evil when he solves the mysterious puzzle box that releases the diabolical demon, Pinhead. As those around him begin to meet tragic fates, he sets out to conquer the horrifying Pinhead and escape eternal Hell.

Rated R; Rated R
Special Feature(s)
Full High Definition 1080p/1080i
16×9 (1.78:1)
English 2.0 Stereo
Smart Menu Technology: Browse the menu, on screen, without leaving film.

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