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Home | News | After Dark adds 7th title – ‘Seconds Apart’

After Dark adds 7th title – ‘Seconds Apart’

Los Angeles, CA (Dec. 9th, 2010) — After Dark Films CEO Courtney Solomon has announced, SECONDS APART, as part of the After Dark Originals “A New Brand of Fear” line-up. The film is directed by award winning short-film director Antonio Negret (Towards Darkness) and stars Orlando Jones (Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, Evolution) and twins Gary Entin (Rest Stop, The
Seeker) & Edmund Entin (Rest Stop, The Seeker, The New Daughter).

Seth and Jonah are murderous twins who share an evil kinship. Damned from the moment of their births, the brothers possess a talent for telekinesis – a power they are suspected of misusing in the most horrific ways imaginable. As fellow students meet gory fates, a local investigator suspects the twins are connected to these gruesome murders, culminating in one
final showdown of brother against brother, evil against evil.

Says Producer Courtney Solomon, “Everyone’s heard about that creepy ‘twin thing.’” You just can’t under-estimate the power of twins, and this film is seasoned by the exceptional performances of Gary and Edmund Entin”. Seconds Apart, from Executive Producers Courtney Solomon and Stephanie Caleb, was shot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A release date for Seconds Apart and all eight Originals is scheduled for late January 2011.

The series was developed in partnership with Lionsgate. Exclusive content can be found on facebook at www.facebook.com/secondsapartmovie After Dark Films made an unprecedented commitment to the production of eight original horror films this year under the After Dark Originals “A New Brand of Fear” label, continuing the Company’s mission of supporting first time independent film writers and directors. The creation of the AD Originals slate is just another example of the Company’s commitment to the indie film industry.


Unlike After Dark’s “8 Films To Die For®”, After Dark Originals are wholly financed and produced by After Dark Films. The ADO slate runs the gamut of the genre, from paranormal phenomena, black magic, and vengeful ghosts to psychological trauma, murderous psychopaths, vampires and the undead. After Dark polled its fans and is delivering the kinds of
movies they asked for!

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