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HNN Exclusive Interview: Shanon Snedden (Malice)

How did you get attached to Malice?
I have worked on a few movies by MGI FILMS in the past, and was very happy that they asked me to be on Malice.

Tell us a little bit about your character, Holly?
Holly is a very eccentric character, that knows what she wants. She has a bit of sass to her, as well as a sense of humor. I think that she is very charming.

How was it working with Gerald Crum?
It was very nice, I always enjoy working with him! He is so talented at everything that he does in his films.

What was your favorite scene?
My favorite scene was one of the horror scenes, and I won’t give anything away but it involves a ton of razor blades, and screaming!

What was the most difficult aspect to making this film?
Probably filming outside in the freezing cold, being rained on, and covered in fake blood! As well as wearing contact lenses that covered my whole eyes, and limited my vision so much.
Haha, but it is all apart of the experience. It’s worth it!!

What makes this film stand out?
The horror is absolutely out of this world, and I truly believe that it will scare anybody. Just being on set and watching the scenes play out, was scary in itself!

Do you have any favorite horror films?
My favorite horror films are The Thing, The Conjuring (All of them), IT, Event Horizon, there’s so many I am such a fan of horror.

What made you want to get into acting?
I took theatre in high school, and that’s when I really fell in love with acting. As soon as I got out of high school, I started to pursue roles for films?

Who inspires your creativity?
What inspires me the most is being on a set and watching the actors, and all of the creativity that goes into creating a film.

What will you be working on next?
I will be working on Seven Beasts. It is a film based on a Nordic, Viking fantasy. I will play a warrior, and I am so excited about it!

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