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Home | Martial Arts Master Battles The Undead in New Action- Horror Teaser Johnny Z!

Martial Arts Master Battles The Undead in New Action- Horror Teaser Johnny Z!


Hurricane Bridge Entertainment releases its first glimpse at their upcoming action-horror production Johnny Z slated for release 2019.

Johnny Z is an action-horror feature film about a half human, half zombie named Johnny who’s blood holds the cure to the zombie epidemic. After escaping Nordac, an experimental medical prison, Johnny comes under the guidance of a martial arts Grandmaster named Jonray. Together they embark on a journey to find a missing doctor while battling their own personal demons.

Johnny Z demonstrates many different forms of martial arts and is Straiton’s first bilingual film where both the main actors speak English and Spanish. Action and horror of reanimated corpses, virally infected human beings, and exciting martial arts action all filmed in Central Virginia.

Johnny Z will begin its festival run in the spring of 2019. Hurricane Bridge Entertainment has partnered with Black Mandala (Inbred, What the Waters Left Behind) for the films worldwide distribution.

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Starring Michael Merchant (House Shark, Night of Something Strange) and International Martial Arts Master Felix Cortes  (Daredevil and the upcoming Wonder Woman 84.). Also Starring, Jason Delgado, David E Mcmahon, Ellie Church, Wayne W Johnson, and Trey Harrison. Special effects by Marcus Koch (We Are Still Here, American Guinea Pig Series).  Produced by Michael Kraetzer, Nicolás Onetti, Brie Straiton, Brett Janeski and Ryan Felker. Penned by Ron Bonk (She Kills, House Shark.) Directed by Jonathan Straiton (Night of Something Strange.)

Pre-Orders of the DVD and other Johnny Z merchandise are still available through the Indiegogo on-demand site https://igg.me/at/johnnyzmovie.

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