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Home | Video Madness | Teaser Trailer: The Killers (2019)

Teaser Trailer: The Killers (2019)

This short Dark Comedy was written and produced for Playhouse West – Philadelphia film festival.

We wrote and produced this in ten days, for zero dollars, and limited resources. Hope you enjoy!

Written by: Alex Webster & John Woods
Directed by: John Woods
Produced by: Alex Webster & John Woods


Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and entertainment. Over the past ten years Dionysus Productions has served the Greater Philadelphia Area, as well as New Jersey and New York, shooting everything from commercials and corporate videos to music videos, live events, and narrative award winning films. We have established ourselves in every stage of production from shooting to editing and post special effects.

We have built a solid reputation and proven time and time again that we are a step above the rest for a little less $. No company is more dedicated to the individual needs of their clients like us. What sets us apart is that we have all the accommodations of a big company, but none of the limitations and hassles. We’re a new and growing company that is excited and interested in working on as many unique, low budget or professional projects as possible. Whatever the size of your production, Dionysus Productions LLC can help produce it right.​

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