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Home | NYC Horror Film Festival Returns For 2012!

NYC Horror Film Festival Returns For 2012!

It is my sincerest honor to help spread the word about the return of the NYC Horror Film Festival! Back & better than ever this year it will be featuring some very special guests in attendance in addition to the best in independent horror shorts and features which will all be in competition for the coveted “Best of” awards.

Ahh..what the hell is wrong with me? Special guests? These ain’t no special guests , These are two titans of the screen acolytes! I’m talking two of the most creative filmmakers out there today! I’m talking Wes “Nightmare On Elm Street” Craven and Rob “The Devil’s Rejects” Zombie! Live and in person!! In addition, Sheri Moon Zombie will also be attending as well! Holy hell, I just crapped my pants…again.

All of this is to continue the dream that fest creator Michael J. Hein brought to fruition for a decade before Prince Sirki decided that he needed Michael to help him run film festivals way up above. Trust me when I say Michael isn’t down below, he was way too hard headed & big hearted for those softies down below! It was a true honor for me to have met Michael a few years ago and his spirit looms large over this years festivities, the first since his untimely death last year.

But this year’s event isn’t meant to be a wake for Michael. This is a continuation of the dream that Michael fought so hard to make happen, a tribute to horror films & the people who work so hard to keep us awake at night when the lights go off…

Here’s the schedule for the festival this year along with information on how to get tickets to attend. If you’re anywhere near the tri-state area you’d be a fool not to attend and I’d hate to find out that you didn’t but no matter where in the world you are, if you’re reading this then you’re a fan aren’t ya? So pack a bag & fly yourself down to the greatest city in the world and be witness to the greatest horror film festival in the USA.

So be there next month and join us as we (as Michael liked to say) LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR!


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