SYNOPSIS: Hell’s Kitty is a comedy horror series based on the true life events of Nick, a Hollywood writer, and Angel, his possessed and very possessive pussycat. REVIEW: Life rule number one: You’re either a dog person or a cat person. Once you’ve chosen your camp, you’re destined for a life of defending your corner whilst hurling disparaging remarks back. …
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Interview: John Franklin
First off, please tell us about how the novels came to fruition? Tim Sulka, my writing partner and I first wrote a screenplay version of Prime Cuts. Tim moved from L.A. to NYC and partnered with producers who loved the idea. They thought turning it into a serialized graphic novel would be a great way to introduce the story, build …
Read More »Film Review: Children Of The Corn (1984)
SYNOPSIS: A child preacher named Isaac goes to a town in Nebraska called Gatlin and gets all the children to murder every adult in town. A young couple have a murder to report and they go to the nearest town (Gatlin) to seek help but the town seems deserted. They are soon trapped in Gatlin with little chance of getting …
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