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Tag Archives: John Beck

Film Review: Rollerball (1975)


SYNOPSIS: “The year is 2018. There is no crime and there are no more wars. Corporations are now the leaders of the world, as well as the controllers of the people. A violent futuristic game known as Rollerball is now the recreational sport of the world, with teams representing various areas competing for the title of champion. The defending championship …

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Film Review: ABCs of Death 2.5 (2016)


SYNOPSIS: This is NOT ABC’s of Death 3. ABC’s of Death 2 1/2 showcases an additional top 26 finalists, providing fans 85 minutes of unadulterated madness. REVIEW: The Ant Timpson (Deathgasm) produced ABCs of Death had an interesting enough premise; 26 directors each creating a short film based around one letter of the alphabet. The result was, unfortunately, a bloated …

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Film Review: Sleeper (1973)


SYNOPSIS: “Health food store owner and wannabe jazz clarinetist Miles Monroe is involuntarily cryogenically frozen in 1973 after a mishap while in minor surgery. His still frozen body is found in 2173, and unfrozen by scientists Melik and Orva. In unfreezing Miles, the doctors have committed an illegal act in what is now a totalitarian police state, where records of …

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