Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Jill, a tenacious UMass freshman, abandons her studies for an off-the-grid snowboarding trip. When their SUV mysteriously becomes lost, temperatures fall and the group dynamic unravels as a virtual and then literal witch hunt begins. REVIEW: Those crazy college kids are at it again. Kids with their snowboarding, their team sports, their need to party, their …
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Film Review: Scary or Die (2012)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: There’s a cliche regarding horror movie audiences that we feel compelled to shout advice at the screen. “No don’t open that door,” or “he’s only playing dead”, and suchlike. I found myself doing something along those lines while watching “Scary or Die,” only my warnings were aimed at the writing and direction rather than the hapless …
Read More »Film Review: The Monkey’s Paw (2013)
SYNOPSIS: Jake is given a monkey’s paw that grants three wishes. After the first two wishes leave his friend Cobb undead, Cobb pushes Jake to make a final wish. REVIEW: Presented as more of a sequel to the short story by W.W. Jacobs rather than as a straight up re-telling, director Brett Simmons has hit a solid double with …
Read More »Film Review: Nurse 3D (2013)
SYNOPSIS: By day Abby Russell is a dedicated nurse, someone you wouldn’t hesitate to trust your life with. But by night, her real work begins…using her smoldering sexuality she lures cheating men to their brutal deaths and exposes them for who they really are. When a younger nurse starts to suspect Abby’s actions and compromises her master plan, Abby must …
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