Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Based on the centuries old poem, a family moves into a secluded mansion where they soon find themselves being targeted by an entity taking the form of a giant spider. REVIEW: Have I expressed my dislike of spiders before? I really don’t like them. Not phobic, but I don’t trust them to just walk away and …
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Film Review: Mary (2019)
SYNOPSIS: “In MARY, David (Academy Award Winner Gary Oldman) is a struggling blue-collar captain looking to make a better life for his family. Strangely drawn to an abandoned ship that is up for auction, David impulsively buys the boat, believing it will be his family’s ticket to happiness and prosperity. But soon after they embark on their maiden journey, strange and …
Read More »Film Review: The Diabolical (2015)
SYNOPSIS: A single mother, and her children, are awoken nightly by an intense presence. She asks her scientist boyfriend to destroy the violent spirit, that paranormal experts are too frightened to take on. REVIEW: How much is a critic allowed to give away in their rundown of a film? One argument says that anything goes in the analysis; twists, turns …
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