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Troy Escamilla


Film Review: The Hunt (2010)


SYNOPSIS: Following in the footsteps of recent extreme French horror movies like High Tension, Frontiers, Inside, and Martyrs, The Hunt follows an undercover reporter commissioned to write a story about a series of gruesome murders. His investigation leads him to a secret society of wealthy businessman who hunt humans for money. Caught in a spiral of violence, he is forced …

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Film Review: The Flaying (2012)


SYNOPSIS: Four teenage friends go on a road trip through Argentina. On their way, they find a castle left abandoned in the middle of a forest. They decide to investigate further, only to discover it’s gruesome secrets and former residents. REVIEW: Argentina is not a country typically known for producing horror films. Despite 2004s’ Rooms For Tourists, which as a …

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Film Review: Paranormal Calamity (2010)


SYNOPSIS: What happens when an average suburban home is built atop the charred remains of a 1970’s brothel? What do you do when lusty spirits invade your quiet, no nonsense life? Paranormal Calamity! Starring Larry Thomas (Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi) Charlene Tilton (Dallas) Michael Wexler, Jennifer Schmidt and James Vallo REVIEW: As most horror fans are well aware, found footage films …

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Film Review: The Bay (2012)


SYNOPSIS: Chaos breaks out in a small Maryland town after an ecological disaster occurs. REVIEW: Admittedly, when I first heard about a found footage style horror film being directed by the guy who gave us Rain Man, Good Morning Vietnam, and Toys I was a tad skeptical. Certainly Barry Levinson is a great director—he as an Oscar for crying out …

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