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HorrorNews.net New Bolster Button From Popcorn Horror

popopopooppageIn Popcorn Horror’s roll out of the new BOLSTER BUTTON , we are proud to be the first to test this cutting edge new concept.   Popcorn Horror has created a Bolster Button to place on the Horrornews.net website.

What is a Bolster Button?

Popcorn Horror developed a tool set called Bolster. On the Bolster site you can set up tools that help content creators make money, promote projects and interact with fans. These tools are connected to a embed button that can be embedded in a website or video player. Anyone can set up a Bolster project and embed it anywhere they like. We want to help the people we love create more of the stuff we love.

As part of our partnership with Popcorn Horror,  we are helping test the Bolster Button right here on HorrorNews..net


When you click on our Bolster Button, you will be helping support HorrorNews.net and it’s upcoming DEAD afterlife movie project.

We encourage every horror fan to go to Popcorn Horror directly and see what other projects they have on board,


This is the next stage of crowd funding and community ,  let the guys over at Popcorn Horror know what you think .

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