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Book Review: The Killing Kind – Author Bryan Smith

killingkindBryan Smith has brought us some good horror literature in the past, House of Blood, Queen of Blood, The Freakshow and many others. The Killing Kind is one of those novels that could not be put down. The book itself was fast paced and thrilling, the characters themselves were rich, full of life and often times, one would find themselves caring for them and the situations they were in. To say The Killing Kind is not violent, would be a lie.

It is too violent and to be honest, it was fun. Bryan has created a world where violence can happen anytime at anyplace, no matter how it’s started off. The book focuses on a group of spring breakers who go out to a beach house owned by one of the characters’ father. This has all the ingredients needed for a horror story. These college kids are the kind you would love to hate, preppies, dope heads and booze hounds. Oh, let’s not forget about the crazy sex they have instigated by one of them. There are a few that are there because they want to have a good time and have fun. They’re not like their other friends, these people just want to relax and have a good time. The only problem is, a storm of intense violence is about to head their way.

I guess there is a point to all of what goes on inside the pages of The Killing Kind, each of us has a violent side to us all. It only takes one thing to set that inner monster loose and inflict the kind of pain, the characters in Bryan Smith’s novel endure. The progression of intense violence escalates as it all leads down to the thrilling climax of the novel. Some of the things that happen in the story are terrifying enough for the reader, but for what the characters have to go through in order to stay alive, it is a matter of asking yourself, what would you do?

There are some characters that have redeeming qualities, while others you just want to see die horrible deaths. If anything, this book feels like a Quentin Tarantino film. It is just that horrifying and violent, such despicable actions take place that you can’t help but read on and find out what happens next. If you are like me and are into the intense violence scene, The Killing Kind is definitely for you.

It has all the trimmings you could ask for in a horror novel. Bryan Smith delivers the goods again and it just keeps on getting bloodier by the minute.

Book Review: The Killing Kind – Author Bryan Smith

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