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Top 60 Disturbing Horror Music Videos of All Time

While, it’s fair to say that music videos don’t get as many opportunities to explore horror themes as I would like, there still is an impressive helping of ones over the years that have visited the horror genre in an interesting way. We owe some of the greater accomplishments to video directors such as Floria Sigismondi, Samuel Bayer, and Chris Cunningham.  I’ve assembled a pretty eclectic mix of horror themed music videos that have paid homage to the genre in great ways. This certainly is not ALL the videos ever created in this genre, but it is some of the best or more noted. Of course this list wouldn’t be complete without Michael Jackson’s Thriller, a historical accomplishment in the halls of music and horror hall of fame.

Now to be fair, some of these fall into the disturbing category more than straight horror, but then again that’s subjective. A few of these easily fall into the most disturbing music videos of all time!

Looking for really disturbing music videos? Then you came to the right source! We had published this years back, but discovered several of the videos locations changed, or simply our uploads were cut off from us. None the less, we are back with the original beasts for your viewing pleasure. It’s important to note that the videos range in intensity with Michael Jackson’s Thriller being more about horror than disturbing (ok, well some of Michael’s legacy does fall into disturbing).

We also realize that upon publish, many more have arisen post creation of these pages. We invite you to comment below with suggestions so we can build those suggestions into the collective. So before we get comments on “what about this video……etc??”, know that we reseoct your suggestions and by no way mean to ignore any great inclusions

Editors note: Please note, we have recently updated video links that were obsolete or deleted – This original post is being republished with all video links in tact, including the adjoining pages (updated 01/01/2020) – We hope you enjoy as much as we have finding them
We have also added descriptions to each piece.

To be fair, we have collected some of the descriptions from available sources. These are purely provided to give context to the videos and help provide information that we wouldn’t have access to.

(Videos are Not in ranking order)

01- Metallica – Until It Sleeps

A great piece of work that pays tribute to the images of famed painted Hieronymus Bosch. To see his painted images come to life in visual form is quite uniquely bizarre and haunting at the same time.

02- Tool – Sober

Tool stands among one of the few acts to have created a single video style that transcends everything in its path. It’s use of clay creepy objects and abstract visuals makes for one of the more dynamic video bands to ever contribute to the music video horror genre.

03- Aphex Twins – Come to Daddy

Chris Cunningham has a knack for stylistic directed videos. This one in particular has stayed on horror music lists since its inception. That “Pulse” looking mouth creature at the end is the stuff of nightmares.

04- Michael Jackson – Thriller

An icon for horror music videos. This music video is closer to a small film. It may echo with that 80’s look, but it made more of an impact than any video in horror history.

05- Marilyn Manson – The Beautiful People

A long time favorite instilled with nightmare concepts out of the head of Floria Sigismondi. Manson on stilts….pretty creep ass shit. A video and style that has been emulated several times since creation.

06- Mushroomhead – Burn

Take back, prone to distract
You never look the same
Where’s your feedback?
You want to break me
Are you dead now?
You want to see it
I’ll bring you down

07- Motionless In White – Creatures

Probably the best on this list next to Marilyn Manson. This music video is by far the creepiest around using a modern approach to horror and editing. Fantastic piece of work. I wish they made more like this

08- David Bowie – The Hearts Filthy Lesson

A Samuel Bayer directed release. His vision has always brought a certain surreal approach to music video themes. This one he explores a post apocalyptic environment, that uses the innovative music of Bowie to compliment this surreal tonality of existence.

09- Greg Kihn Band – Jeopardy (HQ)

A classic from the 80’s. Greg Kihn is not someone you usually think “horror” but in this case, this cheesy done creation uses the props, and practical effects from a pre-computer CGI age that is campy and fun to watch. One of my earlier favorites.

10- Impaled – Operating Theater

Director and Impaled guitarist Sean McGrath directed and edited the video, along with work from the rest of the band building set and props. The entire video cost a paltry $150, showing what can be done, and indeed what shouldn’t be done, on the cheap.

The video stars Matt Luque, reprising his role as the victim on the cover of Mondo Medicale, the album from which this video is taken. It was also included as a CD-Rom track on the Medical Waste EP, except in Germany, where the video was deemed to violent to release.

Top 60 Disturbing Horror Music Videos of All Time – Part2

Top 60 Disturbing Horror Music Videos of All Time – Part3

Top 60 Disturbing Horror Music Videos of All Time – Part4

Top 60 Disturbing Horror Music Videos of All Time – Part5

Top 60 Disturbing Horror Music Videos of All Time – Part6


  1. ca968af87182a6973590f654e65c1819?s=65&r=g

    I was surprised not to find the video of Scorched Earth Erotica by Cradle of Filth in the list.
    Saw some which i didn’t even see as horror before,

    Cradle of Filth – Scorched Earth Erotica


  2. 61fcbc284160779871b488e9ab8a449e?s=65&r=g

    Where’s Skinny Puppy ‘Rabies’? Or anything Justin Bieber; his very existence is disturbing.

  3. 6ce6a1ba40a00fb728bd4b855484a658?s=65&r=g

    Looking forward to checking out all of the ones I’m not familiar with. I was a bit surprised to not see Bauhaus – Mask on there–some of the imagery in that vid is pretty haunting–but I’m sure there are plenty others out there that could make a much longer list if needed. Glad to have all the extra stuff to watch through now though.


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