Amicus Productions, the iconic British horror brand synonymous with classic anthology films, proudly announces the participation of legendary screen actress and Golden Globe nominee Jane Merrow (The Lion in Winter, The System) in its highly anticipated return to the genre. Merrow stars as Matron Margaret, a commanding figure in the chilling hospital-set segment The One-Way Ward, inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s horror short story Cool Air.
Joining Jane Merrow is Megan Tremethick (Ghost Crew, The Slave and the Sorcerer). Tremethick’s work has been described as ‘standout’ for its nuance and emotional depth, earning her recognition as an emerging talent in the genre.
Adding further gravitas to the cast is veteran character actor Jonathan Hansler (Axed, The Devil’s Machine), who takes on the role of Professor Walker, bringing his wealth of pathos and trademark intensity to this gripping tale of terror.
The film also features Chris Capaldi, known as the former face of Scotch Beef, who plays Doctor Richard Maitland. Reviving the Amicus tradition of characters named Maitland, Capaldi’s portrayal brings a subtle nod to the studio’s storied history while adding a fresh, compelling presence to The One-Way Ward.
The One-Way Ward relocates Lovecraft’s atmospheric tale to an ominous hospital that harbours a deadly secret. This segment is part of In the Grip of Terror, the first Amicus Productions horror anthology since From Beyond the Grave (1974), marking a triumphant return to the studio’s celebrated anthology format and its legacy of chilling interconnected tales.
Directed by Lawrie Brewster of Hex Studios (Automata, The Black Gloves), the film is co-produced by Brewster and Sarah Daly, with Sergei Subotsky, son of the late Milton Subotsky—co-founder of Amicus Productions—serving as Executive Producer. The film is a co-production between Amicus Productions, the British Horror Studio, and Hex Studios, uniting forces to deliver a chilling cinematic experience.
The studio has revealed a collection of character photographs, offering a glimpse into the Gothic elegance and eerie atmosphere of In the Grip of Terror.
The film is slated for release in 2025, promising a spine-tingling return to the glory days of Amicus horror anthologies.